I hypothesized the conspiracy’s existence 25 years ago and then confirmed it through extensive historical research. It can be traced back through history to at least the start of the 19th century and it is believed to be the driver behind much if not all of the present insanity (which definitely includes the climate PsyOp). So add the existence of said conspiracy to your list of proofs, because I have the receipts.
Indeed. And the investor class is growing impatient as skepticism grows and their plan slows. Example: the sudden movement away from EVs (consumers and manufacturers- the ideologues will only double down and continue trying to force legislation).
I skipped to the conclusion. I actually took AGW seriously at first but I understood that nothing could be done about it short of de-industrializing Asia. When the temperature trend flattened out circa 1998 silly me expected the Climate Industrial Complex to declare victory and go home, not double down on restricting anything that produces CO2. And why is cement manufacture never slated for "emission controls" despite its contribution to GHG production? The only thing that the "alarmists" want to preserve is their own funding.
"And why is cement manufacture never slated for "emission controls" despite its contribution to GHG production? The only thing that the "alarmists" want to preserve is their own funding."
Excellent point! (You are excused for skipping to the conclusion.)
This is a point I totally agree with you on. The International Aggregate Industries/ Conglomerates/ Consortiums etc, are really doing a lot of damage, dredging material from deep in international maritime waters.
Often, it appears, that what the general populace doesn't seem, they don't concern themselves with.
Cheap aggregate quarrying and mining for Companies, and a heavy price to pay, in spectacularly short term, speculatory corporate consumption of sea bed materials. From a long term Scientific point of view, and both for everything and everyone else.
As for the vibrations, the butterfly effect, and the movement of tectonic plates, one only has to look at the record of all the ' mini's earth tremors in Lancashire several years ago.
Not ideal. You impact something, You crack something. You make a fissure. Bingo. The planet is exactly that. Just another planet.
Musk thinks he might live on the Moon. Or is it Mars. I'm sure if he does one day do so, he will have a lovely view. At least, after all his efforts, I would hope so. 🍺🔬📡🛰️⛳
Ahah! I can see that you have quite the expert knowledge in these matters! Concrete Information no less? Indeed , Sir, you are correct to dispute my most humble of synaptic faculties. You must be talking about the great concrete shortage in 1966?Are you a Geophysicist, my friend? Let's Have a Global High 5 for Concrete! 👍💯 Of course it is an undisputable fact that Concrete Is Very Very Important For Human Survival. And THEY, Indeed, Have Plans To Restrict It! I, Also, Find This Information Quite Upsetting. Maybe I Wasn't Making My Previous Point Very Clearly. For that, I Sincerely Apologise. Kind Regards. 🏴
Uh, they have proposed raising the price of cement components to reduce building because of the CO2. I don't know if the proposed taxes have gone into effect yet.
A proposal is not a fact. I will wait and see if the governments are willing to cripple the construction sector of the economy like so many of the other sectors they have impacted negatively. Governments buy A LOT of concrete after all.
World Economic Forum dictat settles the issue for captured governments. Minions do as told. Destruction of the economy is the whole idea. Climate Change is an excuse.
It would have been stronger if the article showed some data with sources. I would have especially liked to see the temperature fluctuation comparison between urban centers vs Non urban monitors.
Great stuff and thanks for the climate film link. Using the term 'leftist' is meaningless. The false left/right paradi'gm was invented by the same Babylonian banking cartel that invented the co2 fraud.
Great piece!! I long ago came to the conclusion that the provable truth of anything, as you discussed, doesn't suddenly lead to an aha moment. Once people are vested in their version of reality, nothing can change their minds. I have an essay in the works that says, put the climate change debate in perspective, as you did. Within each ice age, there were cycles of glaciation and warmer interglacial periods. Apparently, the last cycle lasted around 100,000 years each, with about 10,000 years of warm interglacial conditions between them. A century two of warming pales against the millennia. The counter argument would be, the recent spike is the result of industrialism. And so on.
How dare you, tell the truth about E.V. dirty little secret. E.V. batteries hold energy, the energy they hold is created by hydroelectric,nuclear reactors,Coal, and Diesel electric generators. So to say E.V. are clean and efficient because they do not burn (fossil 😂 fuel) petroleum, has not factored in all the energy to mine minerals both human and industrial. Not to mention this global warehouse of manufacturing (plastics from oil)which needs energy and don’t forget transportation to one location to assemble, did I mention battery disposal. How dare you. Why is it the fact checkers will check everything accept the facts in climate analysis. There is two sources, the haves and have not. There are Scientists funded by big pharmaceutical companies, who’s research follows the money and Scientists who follow their research wherever it goes and it’s not to the bank.
While we are talking about wasted energy, could someone please tell me why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets? Rightful Freedom just saying, I would never DATA person who called me a propagandist.
"the fact checkers will check everything accept the facts in climate analysis"
Yes, YouTube has a 'fact check' warning on the climate change movie, and a no-return link to a UN site with pro-climate change propaganda.
"I would never DATA person who called me a propagandist" I thought about replying to her, but it doesn't do any good. Don't bother arguing with the kind of people who wear helmets to Kamikaze missions.
True the “Idiot Savant” is always the smartest being in the room. Ask any paid crisis actor from Sandy Hook to Mandalay Bay why Alex Jones got fleeced while the Mass Murderer Fauci walked away Scott free.
Two words: Malthusian conspiracy.
I hypothesized the conspiracy’s existence 25 years ago and then confirmed it through extensive historical research. It can be traced back through history to at least the start of the 19th century and it is believed to be the driver behind much if not all of the present insanity (which definitely includes the climate PsyOp). So add the existence of said conspiracy to your list of proofs, because I have the receipts.
Well, YEAH. ^_^
Excellent post, will share. YAY!
Thanks much for the restack and kind words, Word! They are appreciated.
My pleasure, good work.
When the rich and powerful give you reasons for why they should have more riches and more power, be suspicious.
Indeed. And the investor class is growing impatient as skepticism grows and their plan slows. Example: the sudden movement away from EVs (consumers and manufacturers- the ideologues will only double down and continue trying to force legislation).
I skipped to the conclusion. I actually took AGW seriously at first but I understood that nothing could be done about it short of de-industrializing Asia. When the temperature trend flattened out circa 1998 silly me expected the Climate Industrial Complex to declare victory and go home, not double down on restricting anything that produces CO2. And why is cement manufacture never slated for "emission controls" despite its contribution to GHG production? The only thing that the "alarmists" want to preserve is their own funding.
"And why is cement manufacture never slated for "emission controls" despite its contribution to GHG production? The only thing that the "alarmists" want to preserve is their own funding."
Excellent point! (You are excused for skipping to the conclusion.)
This is a point I totally agree with you on. The International Aggregate Industries/ Conglomerates/ Consortiums etc, are really doing a lot of damage, dredging material from deep in international maritime waters.
Often, it appears, that what the general populace doesn't seem, they don't concern themselves with.
Cheap aggregate quarrying and mining for Companies, and a heavy price to pay, in spectacularly short term, speculatory corporate consumption of sea bed materials. From a long term Scientific point of view, and both for everything and everyone else.
As for the vibrations, the butterfly effect, and the movement of tectonic plates, one only has to look at the record of all the ' mini's earth tremors in Lancashire several years ago.
Not ideal. You impact something, You crack something. You make a fissure. Bingo. The planet is exactly that. Just another planet.
Musk thinks he might live on the Moon. Or is it Mars. I'm sure if he does one day do so, he will have a lovely view. At least, after all his efforts, I would hope so. 🍺🔬📡🛰️⛳
NONSENSE! Cement is very very important for human survival. They have plans to restrict it!
Ahah! I can see that you have quite the expert knowledge in these matters! Concrete Information no less? Indeed , Sir, you are correct to dispute my most humble of synaptic faculties. You must be talking about the great concrete shortage in 1966?Are you a Geophysicist, my friend? Let's Have a Global High 5 for Concrete! 👍💯 Of course it is an undisputable fact that Concrete Is Very Very Important For Human Survival. And THEY, Indeed, Have Plans To Restrict It! I, Also, Find This Information Quite Upsetting. Maybe I Wasn't Making My Previous Point Very Clearly. For that, I Sincerely Apologise. Kind Regards. 🏴
...populace doesn't see..not seem. Dratted A.I. 😄
Uh, they have proposed raising the price of cement components to reduce building because of the CO2. I don't know if the proposed taxes have gone into effect yet.
A proposal is not a fact. I will wait and see if the governments are willing to cripple the construction sector of the economy like so many of the other sectors they have impacted negatively. Governments buy A LOT of concrete after all.
World Economic Forum dictat settles the issue for captured governments. Minions do as told. Destruction of the economy is the whole idea. Climate Change is an excuse.
Yes, climate change is a hoax and an excuse to advance lots of other bad policies.
Depopulation is the most effective means of reducing man made CO2. Not that reducing CO2 is of any value, of course.
It would have been stronger if the article showed some data with sources. I would have especially liked to see the temperature fluctuation comparison between urban centers vs Non urban monitors.
Everyone should read this!! High school kids should read this and see the movie! Soon!
watermelons - green on the outside red in the inside - all you need to know
That’s why they are calling it “Climate Change”, that leaves some room to maneuver.
Great stuff and thanks for the climate film link. Using the term 'leftist' is meaningless. The false left/right paradi'gm was invented by the same Babylonian banking cartel that invented the co2 fraud.
Thanks for your comment! (We have a little something regarding the ancient history of central banking scheduled to publish on Substack on Friday.)
Top shelf
Great stuff, thank you. I appreciate the movie link also.
I don’t see the movie link. Can you resend it?
I can't seem to navigate back to it. The clip is from Climate: The Movie. You can view it on YouTube.
The link still works for me. There are comments to the video fearing that YouTube will take it down though
Did you see RF's reply re the movie link?
Make that SIX facts... After all, there are tiny little incidents like this one that are totally ignored and the average person has no idea it even took place. You know, those pesky natural occurrences that do minor things like change the water vapor content of the whole earth by 10% after throwing 146 MILLION TONS of water up into it. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/dear-greta-tintin-eleonora-ernman & https://www.courageouslion.us/p/about-the-conspiracy-theory-of-helene
Great piece!! I long ago came to the conclusion that the provable truth of anything, as you discussed, doesn't suddenly lead to an aha moment. Once people are vested in their version of reality, nothing can change their minds. I have an essay in the works that says, put the climate change debate in perspective, as you did. Within each ice age, there were cycles of glaciation and warmer interglacial periods. Apparently, the last cycle lasted around 100,000 years each, with about 10,000 years of warm interglacial conditions between them. A century two of warming pales against the millennia. The counter argument would be, the recent spike is the result of industrialism. And so on.
This is where I go for real info on the climate
Thank you Rightful Freedom
Thanks for the links. The real, true stuff is hard to find.
How dare you, tell the truth about E.V. dirty little secret. E.V. batteries hold energy, the energy they hold is created by hydroelectric,nuclear reactors,Coal, and Diesel electric generators. So to say E.V. are clean and efficient because they do not burn (fossil 😂 fuel) petroleum, has not factored in all the energy to mine minerals both human and industrial. Not to mention this global warehouse of manufacturing (plastics from oil)which needs energy and don’t forget transportation to one location to assemble, did I mention battery disposal. How dare you. Why is it the fact checkers will check everything accept the facts in climate analysis. There is two sources, the haves and have not. There are Scientists funded by big pharmaceutical companies, who’s research follows the money and Scientists who follow their research wherever it goes and it’s not to the bank.
While we are talking about wasted energy, could someone please tell me why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets? Rightful Freedom just saying, I would never DATA person who called me a propagandist.
"the fact checkers will check everything accept the facts in climate analysis"
Yes, YouTube has a 'fact check' warning on the climate change movie, and a no-return link to a UN site with pro-climate change propaganda.
"I would never DATA person who called me a propagandist" I thought about replying to her, but it doesn't do any good. Don't bother arguing with the kind of people who wear helmets to Kamikaze missions.
True the “Idiot Savant” is always the smartest being in the room. Ask any paid crisis actor from Sandy Hook to Mandalay Bay why Alex Jones got fleeced while the Mass Murderer Fauci walked away Scott free.