How dare you, tell the truth about E.V. dirty little secret. E.V. batteries hold energy, the energy they hold is created by hydroelectric,nuclear reactors,Coal, and Diesel electric generators. So to say E.V. are clean and efficient because they do not burn (fossil 😂 fuel) petroleum, has not factored in all the energy to mine minerals bo…
How dare you, tell the truth about E.V. dirty little secret. E.V. batteries hold energy, the energy they hold is created by hydroelectric,nuclear reactors,Coal, and Diesel electric generators. So to say E.V. are clean and efficient because they do not burn (fossil 😂 fuel) petroleum, has not factored in all the energy to mine minerals both human and industrial. Not to mention this global warehouse of manufacturing (plastics from oil)which needs energy and don’t forget transportation to one location to assemble, did I mention battery disposal. How dare you. Why is it the fact checkers will check everything accept the facts in climate analysis. There is two sources, the haves and have not. There are Scientists funded by big pharmaceutical companies, who’s research follows the money and Scientists who follow their research wherever it goes and it’s not to the bank.
While we are talking about wasted energy, could someone please tell me why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets? Rightful Freedom just saying, I would never DATA person who called me a propagandist.
"the fact checkers will check everything accept the facts in climate analysis"
Yes, YouTube has a 'fact check' warning on the climate change movie, and a no-return link to a UN site with pro-climate change propaganda.
"I would never DATA person who called me a propagandist" I thought about replying to her, but it doesn't do any good. Don't bother arguing with the kind of people who wear helmets to Kamikaze missions.
True the “Idiot Savant” is always the smartest being in the room. Ask any paid crisis actor from Sandy Hook to Mandalay Bay why Alex Jones got fleeced while the Mass Murderer Fauci walked away Scott free.
How dare you, tell the truth about E.V. dirty little secret. E.V. batteries hold energy, the energy they hold is created by hydroelectric,nuclear reactors,Coal, and Diesel electric generators. So to say E.V. are clean and efficient because they do not burn (fossil 😂 fuel) petroleum, has not factored in all the energy to mine minerals both human and industrial. Not to mention this global warehouse of manufacturing (plastics from oil)which needs energy and don’t forget transportation to one location to assemble, did I mention battery disposal. How dare you. Why is it the fact checkers will check everything accept the facts in climate analysis. There is two sources, the haves and have not. There are Scientists funded by big pharmaceutical companies, who’s research follows the money and Scientists who follow their research wherever it goes and it’s not to the bank.
While we are talking about wasted energy, could someone please tell me why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets? Rightful Freedom just saying, I would never DATA person who called me a propagandist.
"the fact checkers will check everything accept the facts in climate analysis"
Yes, YouTube has a 'fact check' warning on the climate change movie, and a no-return link to a UN site with pro-climate change propaganda.
"I would never DATA person who called me a propagandist" I thought about replying to her, but it doesn't do any good. Don't bother arguing with the kind of people who wear helmets to Kamikaze missions.
True the “Idiot Savant” is always the smartest being in the room. Ask any paid crisis actor from Sandy Hook to Mandalay Bay why Alex Jones got fleeced while the Mass Murderer Fauci walked away Scott free.