5 Facts that Make Manmade Global Warming Disappear Forever.
5 Covid jabs won’t protect you from anything, but these 5 facts will.
The Blizzard of climate change lies has been so blinding, that even many rightists are forced at times to wonder if maybe there isn't some truth to the idea that human activity is causing Earth’s climate to warm. But the truth is, there isn't any truth to it. Let's put the lid on the climate change lie once and for all. You’ll feel better. Promise.
Truth that WILL PERMANENTLY VAX YOU Against Infection by Climate Lies.
“There are a large number of scientists who are in violent disagreement. They call themselves climate skeptics. Since I am no longer worried about losing funding, I call myself a climate change denier,”
2022 Nobel Laureate in Physics and retired professor John Clauser, Climate: The Movie 6:17
The False Question that requires false answers
The true question is NOT whether the earth is getting warmer. The planet has been getting warmer since the last glaciation peaked about 20,000 years ago. And a warming earth is better in almost every way for life. So the actual question is: Are human beings now causing that? And the answer is: Absolutely not. And we can prove it.
(If you already know that manmade global warming can’t be real, you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
Fact 1. Carbon
I am carbon.
Robert Laughlin, A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down (2005)
You are carbon. But the atmosphere isn’t. Carbon is only .04% of the atmosphere. It's a trace element. And carbon dioxide isn't a greenhouse gas. NET Zero will make no difference.
The truth is that the percent of carbon was much higher in the Earth's atmosphere in the past and no 'greenhouse' effect resulted. If the amount of carbon in the atmosphere were, say, doubled, the only likely result is that plants would grow a little better. Carbon dioxide is plant food. The war against carbon is virulent insanity.
Fact 2. The Earth is not hot.
The Earth is cool. We are in the Late Cenozoic Ice Age. Only once in the last 500 million years was the Earth cooler than it is in the present era. That is a geological fact. No one disputes it. The Earth could get much, much hotter and still be in the geological normal range, and there is no reason to believe there would be a preponderance of ill effects. Warmer is better.
Fact 3: The earth has been warming for 20,000 years.
No one, not even leftists, are stupid enough to believe that a tiny population of humans on earth 20,000 years ago caused the glaciers to start melting. So the left’s real claim is that the earth started suddenly getting a lot warmer a short time ago. Like 100 years ago. But that's a lie.
Fact 4. Al Gore’s so-called “hockey-stick” spike in global temperatures never happened.
It is a false reading. The result of data contamination: a big mistake in one kind of measurement.
The seeming spike is a measurement error due to two simple factors:
A. The Urban Heat Island Effect. Cities are hotter, mostly the result of concrete retaining heat (not carbon). The center of a large city can be 5 degrees Celsius hotter than the countryside.
B. The placement of thermometers. In the early 20th century meteorologists put weather stations just outside towns, close enough to check every day but away from people. Then over the next hundred years, the towns grew and spread out, engulfing the weather stations and putting them near the city centers. Result: the thermometer showed higher temperatures. Not the result of climate change; but because the readings were thrown off by the Urban Heat Island Effect.
If only half the thermometer readings were affected by Urban Heat Islands, that would account for more than twice the increase in temperature that the climate change purveyors falsely claim.
Other measures of global temperature, such as measures of the sea temperature, measures from satellites, weather balloons, tree rings, or measures only from rural weather stations do not show Al Gore’s “hockey-stick” spike. Climate: The Movie 15:00 The big spike in global temperature never happened.
Watch the Movie!
Most of these truths come from Climate: The Movie. It was made by some very eminent scientists who had lucrative careers promoting global warming, or had to go along with the climate hoax to keep from being fired, and who decided, after retiring, to tell the truth. (Mea culpa!) So if you don’t believe Rightful Freedom, watch the video.
In fact, watch it anyway. If you love seeing beautiful truths dispel stupid ugly lies, the movie will thrill you. And all your man-made global warming problems will be over forever. If every American were made to watch that movie — that beautiful movie — the whole man-made global warming scam and industry — battery cars, wind farms, net-zero and carbon tax, Al Gore and Greta Thunberg, PBS documentaries, all of it — would vanish like a bad dream.
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
5. Why Would They Lie?
If the man-made climate hoax is a crime, and a crime has a motive, then what is the motive of the criminals? You know, the purveyors of the climate change scam.
The man-made global warming lie is only one of a panoply of fake issues and “crises” that leftists use to try to destroy our societies and replace them with totalitarian rule. (It's not right-wing alarmism. The leftists have done it to many nations within the last 100 years.)
Greta Thunberg, in her famous How Dare You? speech referred to, “fairy tales of eternal economic growth.” When the actual “fairy tale” is the myth of man-made global warming. Economic growth is good. The man-made global warming lie enables leftists to demand Degrowth policies. Government, they say, must suppress economic growth to “save the planet”.
“Authoritarian measures are being adopted in the name of saving the planet,” Climate: The Movie
And, of course, to enact its Degrowth policy the government must have much more power to control you. They have to intervene in every aspect of your life. The government must tax you and regulate you in new ways. Because you are the problem.
But that's a lie. The leftists and the government are the problem.
Please visit us at Rightful Freedom.com.
Two words: Malthusian conspiracy.
I hypothesized the conspiracy’s existence 25 years ago and then confirmed it through extensive historical research. It can be traced back through history to at least the start of the 19th century and it is believed to be the driver behind much if not all of the present insanity (which definitely includes the climate PsyOp). So add the existence of said conspiracy to your list of proofs, because I have the receipts.
Well, YEAH. ^_^
Excellent post, will share. YAY!