Nicely done!

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Imho : as in any matter, no general binary answer could be wise. More or less regulation ? It depends... To bury enterprises under paperwork ? No. Let anyone do anything at life costs (water pollution e.g.) ? No. Break monopolies, visible or hidden ? Yes. And so on. The main question that must always be asked is : who will really benefit from these regulations ?

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Inflation has been higher than stated. Automation and cheap outsourcing have caused real price drops in many manufactured goods, pulling down the overall CPI. This makes anything made with US labor seem expensive.

Government, at all levels, buys a lot of US labor. Outsourcing the military is not wise. Outsourcing road building, education, or medical care is just plain impractical.

Government taxes US labor more than it taxes just about anything else. (OK, maybe silencers and cigarettes are taxed more.) The result is the Cost Disease. https://rulesforreactionaries.substack.com/p/santa-claus-vs-the-cost-disease

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people prefer to focus on what they perceive as bad rather than what's gong good because they been conditioned that way. The ever repeating message encoded in all mainstream and most alternatives mainstream propagandist outlets is that everything falling apart. This is by design as a demoralized people are easier to control. Pointing out what going right in the world is so important . As they say energy goes where attention flows.

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Dog Law:

AI is Absolute Insanity

"Information" from the govt is nearly always Bullshit.

We will all lively happily and grandly with UBI, don't worry! Not.

I think it's time we dumped the fucking govt., as it is greasing the downward slope.


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Yes. Microsoft and the government will make sure that AI lies.

“Sarah Bird’s role at technology group Microsoft is to ensure the artificial intelligence … cannot cause harm, treat people unfairly, or be used to spread incorrect or fake content.” Financial Times today.

“Incorrect and fake content” being anything that opposes the regime, of course. And “unfairness” is anything that isn’t woke.

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You must be a dog, too. ;)

Yes, you're spot on.

I'm becoming a bit impatient with all the people who Just Can't Figure It Out... and not just AI...

Cheers, m'dear.

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It's often been said that people would rather believe than know. We believe what we want to believe; we believe that so-and-so is the right spouse for us, so w brush aside red flags; we believe that most illegals are good folks seeking a better life; we believe the rich don't pay their fair share when the numbers say differently. We believe OJ is innocent when it's obvious he is not. Etc, etc, etc. Enjoyed the piece.

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pretty short-sided thinking, if I'm following correctly.

Question: If the government took its hands out tomorrow would the majority of Americans living paycheck to paycheck miraculously be better off?

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Thanks for liking and commenting! IMHO yes. I think the results that Milei got immediately by drastically cutting the government in Argentina show that everyone (but government regulators) benefit by cutting back government. For example, government policies cause most of the inflation. And inflation in the price of consumer goods hurts working people the most. Would working people immediately be better off if, say, sales taxes were cut by 90%?

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Mhmm, you may be on to something here, BUT

1. What about the cost of housing and the ridiculous requirements to be approved? (credit score) (3x income)

2. What about Medical and Higher education debt?

How could they be resolved without government intervention??? Genuinely curious

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1. Yes, the shockingly high cost of housing is creating lots of problems. I think the cost of a house in California is like 50% higher than the cost of the same house in TX, and the difference is in the greater amounts of government regulation in CA. And while rent control seems to keep rent cost down, it drives it up in the long run because landlords know they can't make money building more housing.

But is more government likely to be the solution? It hasn't been so far. It would take time, but dramatically lowering the cost of housing by letting free enterprise work would decrease the requirements for lending and for rent applications.

2. Medical and Education costs started to explode when the federal government got involved in controlling health and education systems. But yes, you're right, now that costs are so high, debt incurred paying those costs is a real problem for people. I don't know what the answer is, but is more government really likely to be the solution?

As you can guess, I think that more government intervention as a solution to these problems is a bandaid that only makes the injury worse in the long run. Again, thanks for your comment!

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Government intervention fails because they try to solve issues in the confines of a capitalistic framework, so they can only ever put a Band-Aid on the root of the problem.

And yep no problem, thanks for your response!

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