Imho : as in any matter, no general binary answer could be wise. More or less regulation ? It depends... To bury enterprises under paperwork ? No. Let anyone do anything at life costs (water pollution e.g.) ? No. Break monopolies, visible or hidden ? Yes. And so on. The main question that must always be asked is : who will really benefit from these regulations ?
Imho : as in any matter, no general binary answer could be wise. More or less regulation ? It depends... To bury enterprises under paperwork ? No. Let anyone do anything at life costs (water pollution e.g.) ? No. Break monopolies, visible or hidden ? Yes. And so on. The main question that must always be asked is : who will really benefit from these regulations ?
Imho : as in any matter, no general binary answer could be wise. More or less regulation ? It depends... To bury enterprises under paperwork ? No. Let anyone do anything at life costs (water pollution e.g.) ? No. Break monopolies, visible or hidden ? Yes. And so on. The main question that must always be asked is : who will really benefit from these regulations ?