The question is, how do we stop this?

We outnumber these slimebags by the BILLIONS. But there's still that little problem of the vast majority of the world being UNAWARE of what's going on.

I think it's time for Stackers to start SHOUTING from the rooftops!


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You're right. Unless we stop what's coming, or the leftists decide to back off for some reason we the people will lose our freedom and everything else.

But is it true that "We outnumber these slimebags by the BILLIONS."? The majority of Americans self-identify as leaning Democrat/left. As one of my readers recently pointed out to me (and made me stop and think) we are the minority.

But that doesn't mean that we can't win. We can win. But we must face the truth about our situation, and take actions that will win. The truth is out there, including the truth about how we can beat the left and take America back.

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We're talking about a GLOBAL govt., and I was talking about the GLOBAL population. Not everyone in the world is as clueless and uneducated about these things as Americans are... I DO think the censorship is a big factor... right now. But once people begin to realize what's actually going on, and what the End Game actually IS, the word will spread very quickly, I imagine.

YES, we can win. We WILL win, because we must. It's not the "left" we must subdue, it's the GOVT. And those people are SOFT. We need to be DEMANDING and HARD. The military will back us up when they realize what's going on-- some of the most patriotic people around, those soldiers.

But I DO think we who understand the PLAN need to start speaking UP. It's not about "Covid" so much anymore as it is the govt, the BANKS, and the plan to hammer us.

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I agree, it is the government we must subdue. Do we start with the US government? As Rhonda Well MD said, start by kicking the UN out of the US. Get the US out of the UN.

People on the right have wanted to do that since the 1960s. How might we accop

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The US Govt and the other govt’s of the Five Eyes… These seem to be the Biggies… But this IS a global conspiracy of the compromised govt types working for the Globalistas— they probably think they’ll be SPARED, these govt types. As If.

I’m not sure just how we do our jobs, but we need to COMMUNICATE with each other, and we need to get PREPARED for whatever is coming… I seriously doubt that they’ll be SOFT about it, but I don’t know. I imagine it will begin with the BANKS and some kind of “Oh, we can’t give you your money, it’s beyond our control!” Or some such BS…

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"it will begin with the BANKS" Yes we will know when America has passed the tipping point to totalitarianism when the Fed tacitly takes all control of all banks and issues the US CBDC. We have to prevent that fat lady from singing.

"COMMUNICATE with each other" That would be the key. IMHO the left has won the Long March by using their control of the mass media. They use the media as artillery to fire leftist lies as ammunition, to devastating effect.

We need to understand how the leftist media works, create our own to use truths as ammunition, and turn the tables on the leftist, defeat them using their own tactics. It could be done. But we need to change some of our thinking.

BTW hope you are faring well these day, Dog.

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Yes, yes, yes. I agree. We are on the same page, literally! ha But shit is looking mighty DARK right now... the clouds gather...

I might have a job, so pray I actually have time to make some money before everything goes into WACK MODE...

Sending you hugs-- Stand strong! xo xo

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Case in point… Argentina’s President Javier Milei gave a must hear (truly) speech to the UN that should put theUnited States et al., to shame. Glen Beck reads the speech, which literally uses the verbiage of our founding fathers in our Declaration of Independence ~from~ the UN…. Glen compares Milei’s speech, which denounces the globalist “PACT FOR THE FUTURE” and promised that Argentina would FIGHT FOR FREEDOM, in contrast to the O’Biden/Harris administration, which is fully on board the UN’s plans…. we have but one choice… a totalitarian Marxist world order communism…. or…. life, liberty and Freedom…


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Thanks for the link. Milei continues to prove that the liars are lying and freedom works.

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Yes, indeed. And our "founding fathers" weren't really all a bunch of liberty lovers, they were RICH GUYS, mostly. And we never did get the REAL story about it until much much later (Read Gary B. Nash's book "The Unknown American Revolution," and he's got lectures on Youtube, too).

I agree, we have a choice, and once people realize what's coming/partially already here, they will choose FREEDOM.

I want to start SHOUTING about what's going on, because soooo many people really are CLUELESS, even if they have a "feeling" of disquiet...

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I so hear you, word Herder (Woofings) … watched “Rescue the Republic” DC yesterday in full…. Such hope and pride, good speakers, we want our republic and our culture, energizing FREEDOM messages, then it’s back to facing how far they will go to destroy us today with the massive unnatural Helene… the destruction of red states…

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They'll go ALL THE WAY... They think they'll be SPARED.


I gotta run for today-- I'm using the library 'puter. Cheers, and see ya later, gator. xo

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This was foretold in The Revelation. It’s 666. We should kick the UN out right now.

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Yes. Absolutely. Kick the UN out. Start to defund the Federal government, cutting it back to the size the Constitution says it should be. Or, better, the size that the original Articles of Confederation says it should be. So small that it is not in our way all the time.

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You completely ignore the issue of bribery, blackmail, and extortion, which many believe originate with the Plutocracy. There is so much evidence that these government sock puppets have been bought off....

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Maybe people bribe the politicians because they are the government people really have the control?

"There is so much evidence that these government sock puppets have been bought off...."

I am really interested in that evidence because I have not been able to find any. All I can find is evidence that the government people are in control of the government and the rest of us, rich and not rich, are their subjects, more or less.

E.g. a lot of politicians get rich while in office. But a great many members of Congress were rich when they were elected. Why do so many rich people run for office? While almost no politicians leave office to start businesses? This is because government is where the real power is?

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See opensecrets.org for how it works

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I'm familiar with the site. It shows how much money rich people pour into government. Have you considered it's evidence that rich people know were the power and control really reside?

If you buy a ticket to a theater, it's because that's where the show is. Buying a ticket doesn’t make you an actor. Everyone who isn't in the government is a subject of the government, in the audience. You buy favors from the people who have the power to give favors. You don't give them money because you are in control, but because they are.

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Like actors in a theater, the politicians are puppets.

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That capitalists control the government is that ancient Marxist lie. If you think your government overlords are puppets, you're the puppet.

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World government is frightful. Let us look at this old saying and not move forward. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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The UN is all talk. They have never accomplished anything other than fine dining and freeloading in NYC

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Yes, I doubt that they are the real threat of world government.

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I care little about who is behind it!!

I am deeply concerned about the dangerous, generalized methods being proposed for global governance. The lack of an individualized approach to these initiatives feels utterly disconnected from the fundamental rights of individuals, and it genuinely makes me feel ill.

Under such a system, we risk being treated like herds of farm animals, all managed in the same way, irrespective of our unique cultures, religions, life experiences, beliefs, and traditions. The well-behaved among us might receive a token reward, while those who resist or question would face punishment, demonization, and ostracism. We've already witnessed glimpses of this during the pandemic, but what’s alarming is the potential for this to become a permanent state, extending beyond vaccination to encompass any arbitrary rules they decide to impose.

This ideology could prove to be more detrimental to individuals than any previous systems we've seen. History has shown us that when institutions, like prisons and schools, fail to apply individualized approaches, the consequences can be harmful and counterproductive for many.

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That’s exactly right! Nowhere will be a safe haven for people who dissent!

Assume that it is not just one single entity but an attack from various. Non compliance with every measure that arises, down tooling of society by not using the system they’ve created en-mass or by majority?

The usual methods of protest are being shut down as we speak, human rights and freedoms taken away as we speak. Fighting back in terms of riots etc has been considered and plans have been made to shut that down quickly and effectively! The only way forward that I can see is the aforementioned?

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"Non compliance with every measure that arises, down tooling of society by not using the system they’ve created en-mass or by majority?"

Ok, you're right. That might work whoever the enemy is (and however anonymous or amorphous the people behind the emerging world government are).

Yesterday I had an exchange in a comment section. A commenter said 'what is the alternative to societal control by rulers'?

I said, 'Spontaneous-Organization, i.e. Adam Smith's 'invisible hand'.

He said, 'No. The alternative is to go back to a more primitive level of technology. Back to nature. Decline to participate in 'their' system.'

Is that what you mean? Or do you mean something like general strikes? The kind of peaceful opposition Ghandi used to defeat the British? Or something else?

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Yes, more the Ghandi route. The globalists are a group of major industry players, be it in tech, pharma, finance, “health”, MIC, media, politics, environment 🫤, food industry, agriculture etc etc etc. They ALL make cash because we participate, purchase, interact with them. Let’s stop, bring it all to a stand still in HUGE numbers. Can you imagine the losses for them? It wouldn’t take long before they come back begging! Obviously this would not include those of us who couldn’t participate, such as the elderly, ill etc, but it would need to be a big enough number to devastate globalists.

However, for too many people, it’s not bad enough yet 😵‍💫 they may not believe globalists plans will threaten them, they may not even be aware of the damn plans 🫤, they may believe some single political figure or Elon Musk-type will save them 😂. By the time they figure it out, it will be too late! They are pushing their abhorrent b.s through quick smart now & I feel we are wasting time.

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...a boycott of the big corporations...a massive general strike... I agree, "it’s not bad enough yet". Most people are comfortable. Industrial revolution and free enterprise have given most people a pretty cushy life.

The problem is the future. Yes, "By the time they figure it out, it will be too late!”

An article in Mises Wire today is about how the US government is gradually nationalizing the economy and financial system. Most Americans have no idea that this is happening or what it even means. And the mass media has no intention of waking the people up to what's going on. In fact, the opposite, of course.

It may sound crazy and alarmist and tinfoil-hatty, but 2025 could be the year that the US actually tips over into totalitarianism, and people won't even realize it's happened. The leftists have the power to do this. And I for one don't see any way to stop it. Color me black pilled I guess.

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It’s not tinfoil hatty, you’re right to worry, governments have proven we can’t trust them then call us all “conspiracy theorists” when we don’t 🤣 I laugh my self silly when they use that term, as with others they’ve overused, it holds no value or meaning now!

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The back to more primitive ways route, that could be where we end up anyway, hiding outside the new technocracy that awaits if globalists win.

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It’s do, die (or wish you had)

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"This ideology could prove to be more detrimental to individuals than any previous systems we've seen."

I think you're right. Partly for the reasons you give, and also because the system will be global. There will be nowhere to escape to, and no alternative, competing ideology.

But if we don't know who is behind it--i.e. who our enemy is--then how can we hope to defeat it?

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Fuck nato who wef

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Those at the head of governments are so obviously puppets, it does pose the question, who is really in charge?

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I’ve seen this coming for years.

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They are all waiting for the AC to take the stage

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Thanks for the compliment and your comment. BTW the "Amazing Grace" mosaic is amazing indeed! The words about grace are inspiring.

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