Governments Announce World Government
The world government monster rises from THE swamp (not where you may think).
Okay, some of you aren’t going to like this. But please give us a chance.
(Watch this on Rumble or YouTube. Listen on Spotify.)
You’ve seen the news of Hitlery, Newsom, et al ad nauseum calling for the imprisonment Americans who oppose the regime. And we have seen the actual imprisonment of the CEO of Telegram. But there’s more.
You know all about Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, and the WEF plan for The Great Reset. But at the end of the day (or of the Western world) Gates and Schwab are merely private citizens, and the WEF is just a kind of private club.
It may be fun to think that the world’s governments are controlled by BlackRock, but if you wait for that corporation to issue a press release announcing the coming of the World Government, you will miss it.
It's a question of who will really be the new World government. Do we really need a secret cabal of shadowy bankers and mega billionaires conspiring to control the world secretly, when we have a lot of government regulators around the world who have the power to create a world government, and are quite willing to do it, openly and publicly?
Don't get us wrong. We love a good conspiracy theory as well as the next guy. But what if the real power to install and run the world government is in the hands of the governments of the world? From the US to the UK to the EU and beyond. Our non-conspiracy theory: The people in the governments control the governments. And those Government regulators have just publicly announced: The World Government.
And they could do it, too.
2024: World Government Arrives
On September 16, 2024, one of the most influential newspapers in the world — on a par with The Economist and the Wall Street Journal — began a story with this sentence:
“The last few weeks will be remembered as a historic turning point in global efforts to regulate the digital economy.”
- Financial Times
It doesn't take an anti-government-extremist genius to figure out that “global efforts to regulate the digital economy” means control of all the tech by a global government. The government regulators of the world are taking control of:
- the Internet,
- social media
- the cloud
- AI
- all of “tech”, big and small. And they're actually making a public announcement that they're doing that. You haven't heard it? Well fasten your government-mandated seat belt.
The leftist writers and editors at the Financial Times aren't shy about discussing the plan, even if they do couch it in the terms of woke leftism. They are literally, in their own words, “declaring victory” over the people who don’t want world government. Here's a paragraph from later in the Financial Times article by Rana Foroohar (her real name) subtitled, “Major Competition Victories Suggest Big Tech Is Reaching a Reckoning”.
“While it will still take several years to build up the regulatory structures and legislative solutions needed to truly put digital platforms back in service to average citizens, we can declare a certain narrative victory over the arguments put forward since the 1990s by the largest technology platforms in order to entrench their power.”
Meanwhile, in New York
Who can really establish the World Government? Larry Fink is an ESG-tout and flunky. Klaus Schwab is a relatively powerless global goofball. The big banks aren't controlling the government; especially since 2008, the government is controlling them. The people with the power to establish the World Government are the people who control the governments of the nations of the world. And they are doing it, now.
On Sunday, September 22, 2024, the United Nations official “Summit of the Future” began. Many Substackers noticed. CocotteMinute was one of the first, and reported the “Summit of the Future: UN Prepares World Government”. Described as, “…not only a major global gathering, but also an opportunity for the globalists to significantly advance their project of global governance.”
The summit is underway as of this writing. Among the things to come out of it are global money and control of the whole world’s economy. A Carnegie Endowment article about the UN’s summit reported, quote “…all governments support the goal of a more inclusive, equitable, and representative system of global economic governance.”
Substacker Alex Newman reported that the Summit is intended, “…to expand and further empower the United Nations.” He quoted the UN secretary General describing the summit as, “…an essential first step towards making global institutions more legitimate, effective, and fit for the world of today and tomorrow.”
- “global institutions” such as an IMF World Bank,
- a centrally controlled World Health care system run by the WHO,
- a global “peacekeeping” UN army,
- and, eventually, a world police force.
You can't have a world government without a world tax.
Still don’t believe in the new World Government? In April 2024, the World Government announced plans for its first global tax. Four countries in the G-20 group of nations announced the plan for a worldwide 2% wealth tax. Government regulators in Germany, Spain, Brazil and South Africa said the tax will quote, “boost social justice and increase trust in the effectiveness of fiscal redistribution.”
The world government regulators are not even using euphemisms to describe the tax. It’s just plain worldwide Marxist wealth redistribution.
Pope on Board
By the UN’s Summit, communist Pope Francis had, predictably, gotten the Catholic Church on board with the new World Government saying, “‘When we talk about the possibility of some form of world authority... We are speaking above all of ‘more effective world organizations, equipped with the power to provide for the global common good, the elimination of hunger and poverty and the sure [defense] of fundamental human rights.’ The issue is that they must be endowed with real authority…”
“…world organizations…” “…endowed with real authority…”. He wasn’t talking about the authority of God, he was talking about the authority of Gov. WorldGov.
Here's a non-conspiracy theory for you: Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and Larry Fink don't rule the world. Nor do Bilderbergers or Freemasons. The people who publicly inhabit the governments of the world, in legislatures or in the deep administrative state bureaus and agencies, have the power to establish and control a world government. And they're doing it. No Rothschilds needed.
We're aware that the truth won't make us popular among some rightists. But it is the truth. The lame trope that capitalists control the governments is a tendentious communist lie going all the way back to Marx, of course. If capitalists and business people really ran the governments, the governments would work a whole lot better than they do. The truth is that the people who will openly run the new World Government are the people who now openly run the national governments. Why imagine that anyone else needs to be involved?
No need to over-analyze. As Freud famously said, “Sometimes the cigar is just a cigar.” The government boogeymen are sufficiently bad to account for what is happening. No cabal of boogeymen necessary.
Rightful Freedom has heretofore reported on the emergence of that World Government, as European Union and UK government bureaucrats have used regulatory taking and what is called the “Brussels Effect” to regulate American tech companies, for example.
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If there is a secret (or not so secret anymore) conspiracy in the world, it is the global media. The global media is, still somewhat secretly, controlled by leftists. In future, they may choose to report on the emergence of the World Government. Or they may choose to hide it between the lines of their stories. Either way, the new global government is not going away, unless we can find a way make it go away.
The emergence of the World Government is an ongoing event. Subscribe to Rightful Freedom as we report on what is probably the biggest threat to human freedom in the history of the world.
The question is, how do we stop this?
We outnumber these slimebags by the BILLIONS. But there's still that little problem of the vast majority of the world being UNAWARE of what's going on.
I think it's time for Stackers to start SHOUTING from the rooftops!
This was foretold in The Revelation. It’s 666. We should kick the UN out right now.