We claim that the leftists control the mass media and use it as a weapon to defeat the right and destroy America. But a lot of rightists don't seem to believe us, or even to care. Apparently, they don't think the mass media matters very much. We would like to show you why that could be dead wrong.
So is the underlying premise true: Do the leftists control the mass media? Let's ask one of the most famous authors in the world. Somebody who really knows what he's talking about. He has proof. He is an eyewitness. He knows that not only do the leftists control the media, they use it more destructively than we realize. And not just here. All over the world.
(If you already know who the writer is and what his proof is, you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
The Truth is Bigger
Leftists control the whole global media. And they use that control to hide horrible crimes, and so to enable the criminals. And one of those crimes is the proof that we are talking about. What crime, you may ask? The greatest abomination against human beings in history.
The people who committed that crime were leftists. The fact that the world did not seem even to know that the crime happened is proof that the people who did it — the leftists — control the global media. The global media hid it when tens of millions of people were put into concentration camps. And tens of millions of people were murdered. Over a period of decades. The global media barely even mentioned that it was going on. That silence is proof that the global media is controlled by the leftists. The perpetrators of the crime.
Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together
Solzhenitsyn, witnessed the crime from inside the USSR, inside the concentration camps. But he wasn’t writing about ancient history. That quote is from 2002. The destructive control of the media by the leftists is not a thing of the past. In fact, it's getting worse. Once upon a time, the leftists in the U.S. tried to perpetuate the fantasy that they were unbiased. And then that they were only a little left-leaning. Now, the left is so blatant and confident about being propagandists for leftism that, in the words of Jack Sotallaro writing in his Substack in August 2024, “They don’t even try to hide it anymore."
Might that overconfidence make them vulnerable?
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
The leftist global media has enough blood on its hands to float the Titanic. And they love it. And they are going to keep using their control of the media to try to destroy everything that is good and right in our country and in this world. You know that they hate America. They really don't try very hard to hide that. Their plan now is to tear down our society. Corrupt and destroy our values and our culture. And when our system is destroyed, to replace it with totalitarianism.
That has been the plan and goal of Marxism since the middle of the 1800s. The classic revolutionary Marxists of the 1800s strove to use violent revolution to destroy culture and the systemic structures of societies. And they succeeded in doing that in many nations. But they could never manage it in America. So here they switched to a different strategy. They switched from violent revolutionary Communism to cultural Marxism.
Mass media
Entertainment industry
Education system
Those three systems are upstream of the culture. The leftists control all of them now. And that control is how they are defeating us, destroying our culture, and replacing American values with the values of Euro-Leftism.
In his Substack piece, Jack Sotallaro wrote, “Although we’re perplexed by the tactics the Democrats are using, we’re not unaware of their goals.” That’s the truth. Their goals are to replace our system with Marxist leftism. And their tactics are no mystery, either. The tactics of US leftists are essentially all based on their control of the mass media. Their ideas are garbage and, while they want to control everything, when they get control they aren’t good at running the system they control. Look at the cities that the Democrats control. The left’s Marxist ideology is a joke; no one takes it seriously anymore. Woke is prima facie ridiculous. Farcical.
As of this writing, the Democrat Convention is going on in Chicago. In reply to a comment that Rightful Freedom made in Notes, the Substacker the long warred replied, regarding the leftists.
“And they’re very weak, and if they can beat us we deserve to perish from the earth.
“That’s not Stalin or Mao in Chicago.”
How strong would the likes of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden be without the mass media supporting them and backing them up?
What would happen to the leftist political power if they no longer controlled the mass media? That political power would gradually evaporate. The only powerful weapon that the leftists really have is their sole control of the mass media. If they lose that, they lose their war against America.
So the question is, how could we create a media that routes around theirs? A media that does for us what theirs does for them. It could be done. The narrative perpetuated by the leftist mass media is based on lies. We could base our narrative on truth, and the truth is stronger than lies. It wouldn't be easy, but we could do it.
The first step is obvious. Although no one seems to have thought of it.
The homeless numbers are rising (I'm one of them). I believe, after spending a night in one a couple of nights ago, that the shelters are all getting everyone to sign things allowing their 4th Amendment Rights, and other rights, to be given up! Preparing for a huge cull of the less-able due to poverty or circumstances... the growing group that I just joined. SO, I'm living in my car for now.
SHIT IS COMING DOWN. I'm telling ya, it's not gonna be long.
Education. K-12 no longer teaches American History, Civics, or Western Civilization. The few public (Government) schools that include those course titles are Not teaching the noble struggles and goals of those who risked their lives, treasure, and honor to defeat authoritarian rulers to seek the Liberty of the individual created in the image of God, from the corrupt and cruel. In America, this omission of our shared heritage creates children who are without rebuttal to the deviant ideologies they are confronted with in colleges and the workplace. Weak, lazy and credulous adults have become the stupidest voting cohort in American history and you can hear the lies of the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party - the soap opera "news" Personalities - reinforcing neo-Marxist narratives coming from the open windows of your neighbors this summer telling the listeners What to think. The paucity of curiosity and critical thinking skills among voters is terrifying. The wide spectrum of information sources and reporting/analyses on every subject important to our continued viability is at their fingertips. But why take time to research statistics and assertions they've heard from their "friends" the Personalities of soap opera news? We have left secular far behind and are moving with a full head of steam to Paganism.
Pray constantly through your day.
Take your children to church. There is one Savior.
Teach them How to think critically by learning the assertions and goals of all stakeholders in order to discern and determine Right and Truth.