The homeless numbers are rising (I'm one of them). I believe, after spending a night in one a couple of nights ago, that the shelters are all getting everyone to sign things allowing their 4th Amendment Rights, and other rights, to be given up! Preparing for a huge cull of the less-able due to poverty or circumstances... the growing group that I just joined. SO, I'm living in my car for now.

SHIT IS COMING DOWN. I'm telling ya, it's not gonna be long.

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A lot of people are rooting for you, dog. Hoping your situation gets better soon!

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Aw! Fangks, Michael, that feels furry nice. ;)

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If you are living in your car anyway drive out to a wilderness area, and enjoy your days in an area with clean air, and no crime or police state. Pro tip you can sneak into National Forest campgrounds and get water and use the bathroom.

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Good ideas... I've been finding my way with various things... My car is not young and needs work, so I can't wander like I'd like to... All things in good time, I suppose, but I will say this: SOUNDS GREAT, good ideas... Maybe one day soon! xo

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Many churches try to help the homeless.

I used to see 2 homeless men regularly, one riding his bike to pick up food at a nearby church and one at a mall in a town about 14 miles away; I would often bring him fruit. I haven't seen either of them since the pandemic and I've often wondered what happened to them. 🤔

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Education. K-12 no longer teaches American History, Civics, or Western Civilization. The few public (Government) schools that include those course titles are Not teaching the noble struggles and goals of those who risked their lives, treasure, and honor to defeat authoritarian rulers to seek the Liberty of the individual created in the image of God, from the corrupt and cruel. In America, this omission of our shared heritage creates children who are without rebuttal to the deviant ideologies they are confronted with in colleges and the workplace. Weak, lazy and credulous adults have become the stupidest voting cohort in American history and you can hear the lies of the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party - the soap opera "news" Personalities - reinforcing neo-Marxist narratives coming from the open windows of your neighbors this summer telling the listeners What to think. The paucity of curiosity and critical thinking skills among voters is terrifying. The wide spectrum of information sources and reporting/analyses on every subject important to our continued viability is at their fingertips. But why take time to research statistics and assertions they've heard from their "friends" the Personalities of soap opera news? We have left secular far behind and are moving with a full head of steam to Paganism.

Pray constantly through your day.

Take your children to church. There is one Savior.

Teach them How to think critically by learning the assertions and goals of all stakeholders in order to discern and determine Right and Truth.

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That and running cover for the child sex trade. That and a depopulation, destroy fertility with jabs agenda. It really is a demonic death cult.

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The good news is more and more people see this clearly, at least in America. This piece has been published and seen and shared. True, most people don't know about the millions killed by leftist ideologues all over the world. And it is indeed part of "the media's" fault but it is also their coordinated infiltration of the schools. As we move to push back against these neo-Marxist, soulless bastards, we need to keep shining sunlight on the truth and their lies.

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Infiltration in the schools has been going on in the US since at least the 60s. Even then, kids weren't taught the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Articles of Confederation, etc. And the history they were taught was not the whole truth or, in some cases, no truth at all.

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Indeed the Anti-Federalist papers are some of the most truly radical (in a good way) documents ever written.

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Absolutely. Today few Americans realize how many compelling arguments were made that the Constitution was a bad idea. It created a government too centralized and too powerful. In some ways, the Constitutional Convention reversed the Revolution.

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I don’t call them media, that would imply a news organization. I call them parrot propaganda.

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Crap sandwich every channel

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This is an interesting idea on how to solve Dems voter fraud. Pass it on.


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Patriot tactics. Thanks.

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The Best Way

To Re-Educate The Woke

Is To Cut Off Their Allowances.

Stop Making Allowances For Them.



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Defund the woke.

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What's your IQ and net worth? What do you own and control? 😂🤣😅

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Great article. All true. The overarching question is this: how did the left gain control of most of this country's institutions starting in the fifties? Hollywood, teachers' unions, elementary school, high school and the universities, professional sports, the Olympics, major newspapers in cities, most cable news, ABC, CBS, NBC? Hospitals encouraging "gender affirming care. I would hazard a guess that the Civil Rights movement, triggered by the Brown decision, was the model adopted by a cohort of the Boomer students looking for meaning, purpose, a monumental project etc. It had such a David and Goliath appeal, that it spread outward from students to the rest of the identity groups. Victimization resulted in the camaraderie of shared purpose,. That provide3d salvation in a religion- declining society.

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Good guess, no doubt. And yes, I think that unless we understand the history of the mass media and leftists’ control of it we will continue to be in the dark about how to fight it and win.

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Pretty sure it spread from the Universities. Curtis Yarvin isn't wrong that we need tanks in Harvard Yard.

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I think it started as a prototype with the Civil Rights movement, went to universities where students wanted to mimic the civil rights movement so they could be victims and fight the good fight.

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I have thought of it. Shut the mockingbird media down. Does the CCP run everything here now? Follow the money. Hang the traitors.

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Without a complicit media promoting the hoaxes and the lies this country would not be divided or in the mess it’s in today.

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But yet people watch it... go figure!

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It's entertainment, like the TV show Dallas. They can tune in and find out what despicable thing that J.R. er Donald Trump has planned for Sue Ellen and America each day. Ohhh, he's dastardly.

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Twenty-four years of decline economics standards reasoning logic all long gone a sight for sore worn eyes

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Great article! It would be even better if instead of using their labels for themselves, call the "Leftists" what they are: Antiwhites. Antiwhites (sometimes calling themselves leftists, but often other names of their choosing) have consistently weaponized EVERYTHING against Westernkind. The "Bolshevist" / "Communist" terror and mass murder was but one horrible operation among many. Antiwhites have weaponized media (especially entertainment) to wage psychological warfare against westernkind for generations. We won't win until we address the way they've poisoned our subconscious minds.

Our geniuses have developed techniques to defeat this psychological warfare, heal our subconscious minds, put an end to our victimization, and recapture our destiny. The strategem is proven to work. We need only adopt it and spread it. The book: Go Free: A Guide to Aligning with the Archetype of Westernkind. The uplifting community: https://NoWhiteGuilt.org.

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Thanks for the compliment, and for the links to the website, YouTube channel and book. Yes, as the video says, we are right to fear the descent of western civilization. We must do something to stop it.

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I didn’t actually need more evidence.

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