Yes, and LOTS more... Names we simply don't ever hear. The real Psycho Rats, the "Illuminati," the "Black Nobility"... They are the .001%, whose wealth is 90% of the world's wealth! They are not billionaires, but TRILLIONAIRES. Time for them to GO, since they are the eugenicists trying to kill us all off. Fie.
Clinton, Gates, Pritzker, Rothschild, Windsor, Trudeau, Soros, Schwab and more.
Yes, and LOTS more... Names we simply don't ever hear. The real Psycho Rats, the "Illuminati," the "Black Nobility"... They are the .001%, whose wealth is 90% of the world's wealth! They are not billionaires, but TRILLIONAIRES. Time for them to GO, since they are the eugenicists trying to kill us all off. Fie.