I read the blurb for _The Fourth Turning_ and I could not get past "Then comes an Unraveling, in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis—the Fourth Turning". When did individualism cause our institutions to crumble? I missed that era.
Your point is right though: The leftist are knaves, but also fools.…
I read the blurb for _The Fourth Turning_ and I could not get past "Then comes an Unraveling, in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis—the Fourth Turning". When did individualism cause our institutions to crumble? I missed that era.
Your point is right though: The leftist are knaves, but also fools. It seems that they are good at getting control of governments and institutions, but fail to control them effectively. Their failure could give us the opportunity to take back our institutions and our country, if they don't literally destroy it first.
There is no cause/effect at work. The cycles are scripted programming. We exist in a simulation; a mathematically encoded containment field construct. Quantum physics has detected it. But, that’s a whole nother kettle of different colored horses…
I read the blurb for _The Fourth Turning_ and I could not get past "Then comes an Unraveling, in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis—the Fourth Turning". When did individualism cause our institutions to crumble? I missed that era.
Your point is right though: The leftist are knaves, but also fools. It seems that they are good at getting control of governments and institutions, but fail to control them effectively. Their failure could give us the opportunity to take back our institutions and our country, if they don't literally destroy it first.
There is no cause/effect at work. The cycles are scripted programming. We exist in a simulation; a mathematically encoded containment field construct. Quantum physics has detected it. But, that’s a whole nother kettle of different colored horses…