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I'll tell you why the Dems would actually PREFER to be in power if markets were to crash: it would allow them to exponentially increase the number of people who would become permanently dependent on government benefits; with them doling out the ration coupons.

Their overarching goal is to turn this nation into a slightly more prosperous version of Venezuela or Cuba.

They want all but a few of us totally dependent on them, and for us to be treated like livestock. Like barnyard animals to be milked, shorn, and herded about at their will. In exchange for our meager rations of hay bales and oats, we will

eventually be sent to the slaughterhouse or put out to pasture when we're no longer of any use to them.

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Exactly. That is the left's plan, precisely.

"Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they. How did this change come about? ...view of Hobbes [that] ...the human species is divided into so many herds of cattle, each with its ruler, who keeps guard over them for the purpose of devouring them... As a shepherd the natural superior to the sheep of his flock, so the shepherds of men, i.e., their rulers, are naturally superior to the peoples under them."

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract (1762

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I wish more Americans were familiar with Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. We'd be a wiser nation for it.

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Interesting theory. They want to arrive at that conclusion one way or another.

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Yet, when the Dems were in power in the first 2 years of Biden's presidency, that didn't happen. Why not?

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The entire process unfolds over years, not days. Or weeks. That enables it to continue stealthily creeping forward, because its victims, the average American citizen whose once predictable life is torn out by the roots during times of crisis, get their first dose of the narcotic that is a government handout.

You'll recall The American Recovery Act.

The trillions of $$ that poured from the firehose of that law flowed everywhere in torrents. I know of people who actually quit their existing jobs to access that cash. They quit paying rent because they knew they could not be evicted. They got EBT cards. They applied for and were granted Medicaid. They CHOSE to climb into the hammock of what they thought might be a life of permanent leisure, for as long as it might last. It was stupendously short-sighted thinking. Just like those first heady days of drug addiction.

And with the predictable results: a slow but steady descent into dystopia.

When, and if, there is a crippling economic crash in 2025, the Socialist Democrats will mourn the lost opportunity to expand the welfare state if they do not hold the reins of government.

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"The entire process unfolds over years, not days. Or weeks. "

Yes. So far. But there is such a thing as a tipping point. The straw of government intervention that breaks the back of the private sector economy? I'm not saying "Apocalypse Now" but it seems there is real possibility of "Apocalypse 2025."

If a huge financial crisis is precipitated in 2025, the U.S. government will almost certainly fire up the CBDC plan that the Fed really has been developing, to distribute "stimulus" money.

I don't think it's fear-mongering to claim that a CBDC would be the doorway to ending the private sector economy and replacing it with a government controlled command economy. It’s not an eschatological fantasy. That transition has been done many times in other nations.

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