For example, in many States, adultery is a crime on the books, a felony in some States. But do we hear anyone get prosecuted for these crimes? I don't hear anything. Because prosecutors don't even want to try. When the law-books are in conflict with our liberal sensibilities, we choose liberalism over the written law.
I am not sure if these laws have been repealed yet, but in the UK it at least was illegal for a Jew or a Catholic to give advice to the Monarch. Would anyone in the 20th century have even tried to enforce this law? Or would they just dismiss it as bigotry from a bygone age, despite technically having legal force?
You could even say that the Deep State has managed to gain control of almost all secret services and law enforcement agencies, at least in the Western hemisphere – creating a "global KGB", so to speak. And yes, their biggest enemy is on the inside, and that is us, the citizens.
If you define tyranny as 'lawlessness by the authorities' then you understand that rampant crime waves, government corruption, and tyrannical oppression are all the same. Anarchy and Tyranny are two sides of the same coin. These people do not want to submit to the law, especially law in a philosophical sense. The further away we stray from natural and divine law, the more lawlessness we see, thus more oppression.
"And in those days, they had no king, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes."
When only one office is authorized to prosecute crimes (the public prosecutor) that office has all the power to decide what cases are brought forward and which ones are not. Who can force him otherwise? Is he legally obligated to prosecute an innocent person? Who can coerce him?
Before the advent of public prosecutors in the late 19th century, the victims of crimes themselves or the families of victims brought charges. These can be called 'private prosecutions' and they are mostly illegal nowadays.
I am embarrassed to admit that I was completely ignorant of this about prosecutors. Now a lot of things make sense. Like turning on a light bulb! Thank you.
True that there are far too many laws. That is partly why I want to write a legal code: to list out all the good ones in a single place.
In the defense of the people trying to count and tally up the number and coming up uncertain: what is a crime? For example, is murder a singular crime or do you count 1st degree and 2nd degree separately? Would you count homicide overall (murder and manslaughter) as a singular crime? It can get very complicated, particularly in fraud statutes.
Also I think we need a new rule that only sovereign powers can make crimes. For the federal government, only Congress can make a crime. On the State level, only the State legislature can define a crime, municipalities need to be stripped of the ability to create misdemeanors.
I was reading your article with interest until you saw fit to call people who support abortion "leftists." I'm a leftist, and I believe all abortion is murder.
Karl Marx would agree with me on this, and would also point out that it is under capitalism that human life is devalued, and under socialism that human life is valued.
If you don't know what the CIA has been doing since 1947, it's because you don't want to look evil in the face.
What do people want to prosecute?
For example, in many States, adultery is a crime on the books, a felony in some States. But do we hear anyone get prosecuted for these crimes? I don't hear anything. Because prosecutors don't even want to try. When the law-books are in conflict with our liberal sensibilities, we choose liberalism over the written law.
I am not sure if these laws have been repealed yet, but in the UK it at least was illegal for a Jew or a Catholic to give advice to the Monarch. Would anyone in the 20th century have even tried to enforce this law? Or would they just dismiss it as bigotry from a bygone age, despite technically having legal force?
You could even say that the Deep State has managed to gain control of almost all secret services and law enforcement agencies, at least in the Western hemisphere – creating a "global KGB", so to speak. And yes, their biggest enemy is on the inside, and that is us, the citizens.
Interesting article, thanks for that!
I once wrote about a similar topic from a German perspective:
Great essay pointing out the nuance in America.
If you define tyranny as 'lawlessness by the authorities' then you understand that rampant crime waves, government corruption, and tyrannical oppression are all the same. Anarchy and Tyranny are two sides of the same coin. These people do not want to submit to the law, especially law in a philosophical sense. The further away we stray from natural and divine law, the more lawlessness we see, thus more oppression.
"And in those days, they had no king, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes."
When only one office is authorized to prosecute crimes (the public prosecutor) that office has all the power to decide what cases are brought forward and which ones are not. Who can force him otherwise? Is he legally obligated to prosecute an innocent person? Who can coerce him?
Before the advent of public prosecutors in the late 19th century, the victims of crimes themselves or the families of victims brought charges. These can be called 'private prosecutions' and they are mostly illegal nowadays.
I am embarrassed to admit that I was completely ignorant of this about prosecutors. Now a lot of things make sense. Like turning on a light bulb! Thank you.
True that there are far too many laws. That is partly why I want to write a legal code: to list out all the good ones in a single place.
In the defense of the people trying to count and tally up the number and coming up uncertain: what is a crime? For example, is murder a singular crime or do you count 1st degree and 2nd degree separately? Would you count homicide overall (murder and manslaughter) as a singular crime? It can get very complicated, particularly in fraud statutes.
Also I think we need a new rule that only sovereign powers can make crimes. For the federal government, only Congress can make a crime. On the State level, only the State legislature can define a crime, municipalities need to be stripped of the ability to create misdemeanors.
Very excellent read
So true.
I was reading your article with interest until you saw fit to call people who support abortion "leftists." I'm a leftist, and I believe all abortion is murder.
Karl Marx would agree with me on this, and would also point out that it is under capitalism that human life is devalued, and under socialism that human life is valued.
If you don't know what the CIA has been doing since 1947, it's because you don't want to look evil in the face.
POV: the Marxists of the future will blame wokeness on capitalism.
What are you saying, that the CIA is a product of capitalism? Because the CIA invented wokeness (cultural Marxism).