Wrong answer. Apple faced the same justifiable anti-monopoly regulatory pressure but responsed smarter. Hence no Crowdstrike crashes on Macs. Microsoft response was cheap, dumb and dangerous. And regardless, this really was Crowdstrike's egregious error. Their lapses are Cheatle-level.

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Doubtless the whole thing is complicated, and perhaps there is blame enough to be passed around.

Our impulse here at Rightful Freedom is to blame intervention by EU regulators, without which the whole thing would not have happened. The Brussels Effect and Regulatory Taking are real things, and the "Crowd-Strike" outages gives us the opportunity to rant against global government overregulation. And we love to do that.

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It's certainly part of the causal chain.

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Good point. Leads me to the question, “so what did Gates get out of this debacle?” Because you know he had to profit from it somehow or it wouldn’t have happened.

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Yes, it would be amazing if Bill Gates did not come out ahead somehow as a result of the EU having global regulatory powers. (I doubt if his laptop screen turned blue that fateful day.)

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😂😂 Bill Gates experiencing the same outage as we peasants have to endure- now THAT’S never gonna happen!!

Would love to try an experiment to see which is more powerful: his computers or our minds. Could somebody make one million Gates- themed voodoo dolls, and we could get one million people to stick pins in them all at the same time, and see if we could create an “outage” of Gates? Wouldn’t that be an interesting study?

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Straight to hell with the Gates…

and the Kamala show:


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As someone that's been in IT for over 25 years, I can attest to this over regulation. Spot on.

More concerning, IMHO, is how centralized DNS has become. It was originally very distributed, by design, as per the DoD vision, but now has become concernedly centralized and potentially manipulated. Resolving IP's based upon if so-and-so has a seat at the table, or joins the club.

I plan on writing an article on this, and the group that is currently working on a solution.

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That sounds very important issue. I hope you will report on your progress.

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I am clueless, admittedly, about this, and I have, unfortunately MS in my hd, much to my unhappiness, but can't afford to change it right now...

But I do know this: Bill Gates' mother is/was a huge wheel in IBM (where Billy Boy got his start with computers, he's not even that bright!) and Bill's grandfather was even huger, and was part of the cabal of American companies that SUPPORTED Hitler and his 3rd Reich insanity.

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Yes, I think Bill connections at Big Blue. And other companies than MS were worthy. Damn shame.

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Hopefully, Trump will put limits on overregulation if he in reelected. In Rome's last century or so, overregulation and the "deep state" was so oppressive, that, at least according to some historians, the Germans were looked upon as "liberators."

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Bill Gates is Arlo's Last Guy .. ".. the last guy. Nobody's ..worse than that guy. Nobody in the whole world." Arlo Guthrie 1968

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It was natural, it was man made, it leaked, it was released...This one's easy too...

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Very interesting analogy. Hadn't thought of that.

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Michael, you've been doing this a lot longer than I have, so you might have had the same experience. I've been surprised by the fact that short comments I make to another's Substack post, sometimes elicit many more likes and comments than my essays. This was the case with the comment I made to your "outage" post. I'm not sure if it was a general agreement on overregulation, or what might have been the reference to ancient Rome.

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"I'm not sure if it was a general agreement on overregulation, or what might have been the reference to ancient Rome."

I would love to know the answer to questions like that, too. Feedback is so vital. (E.g. I think the substackers who allow comments only by paid subscribers are making a mistake.) The people who read Substack are smart and have a lot to say. They know when they are reading something of value.

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I agree. I'll never limit comments to anyone, paid or not. Why should I deny myself access to some really superb writing and ideas. As someone who has graded thousands of student essays, most material on Substack is vastly superior. That's probably not a surprise since Substack writers are educated, experienced and eager to share their opinions.

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I have 3 Microsoft computers and none were affected. Clearly not MS. I don’t have crowdstrike. Hummm

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He’ll Yeaf share worldwide

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He’ll yeah

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I'm convinced this crowdstrike event was no accident.

'They' are kicking the tires of their new toys. Testing it out.

Case in point - Southwest Airlines was unaffected because they were running Windows 95.

Now 'they' know, I'm sure there's already work starting to get those Windoze 95 machines updated to Winblows 11. Need max impact next time they need to shut things back down.

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What’s about writing pieces on subjects you have at least minimal knowledge?

I came here because @christophercook restacked you. Chris, beside the meme this is mostly all nonsense. The EUSSR is bad, but this was not their fault.

And apart from this — American IT companies are the richest in the world. But technology wise, often 3rd world level. Most good programming is done by eastern European programmers — worldwide.

American programmers mostly assemble libraries but can’t program. Mostly nothing in American IT is great.

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Thanks for your comment. Of course the people of the UK, EU are just as smart as Americans. (In fact, as we are in the process of reporting, US politics now plays follow-the-leader to the UK, e.g. Liz Truss’ story told in “A Biden Conspiracy Theory You Haven’t Heard Yet” in the upcoming “Dems Play 4-D Chess, Against You”). The reason why Euro technology has for so long lagged behind America is only because they suffer even more from socialism and government overregulation than Americans do. The people of the EU/UK are victims of their socialist governments.

My point is that the solution to that victimhood is NOT more government regulation, i.e. Regulatory-Taking/Brussels-Effect.

EU bureaucrats seizing 6% of X's global revenue for some fake issue about blue checkmarks will not make anyone better off, except the EU bureaucrats.

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There was for a very long time a back door left wide open. Then it was posted to a public forum for anyone and everyone to abuse if they chose to. Go to rumble... Tore Says...she goes over it.

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Reality Bill and Malinda Gates and all Billionaires who attended Davos Switzerland must be dealt with one way or another arrested and taken down to Dave Switzerland all the people attended, must be taken down to Cuba to the USA, military prison system, and tribunals by the Muslims that are locked up there and then after put them in prison for six months to a year and feed them fake meat dried dried green green meat and dried bugs. Dried bugs for breakfast with soy soy milk and soy sauce Bill and Melinda Gates Schwab Jeff Bezos all billionaires Sweet attended Davos. Switzerland must be dealt with, and after trial, they can either put them up on the podium or guillotines down in Cuba, the military prison system , we’re all the Muslims are the evil Muslims of the world in prison

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