It will soon be time for a horse and buggy. In the meatime, I will continue to repair my 2001 standard drive Maxima with its Cd player, no GPS, no phone connection, no camera and six litre high performance engine which is as much a pleasure to drive today as it was 23 years ago.

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She is!

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Take me out for a ride down some country roads, I'd love it! I think the gals who love cars and all that stuff may be few and far between, but we could form a band.


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I named her Hecate, Queen of the Underworld. There's a band name for you:)

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LOL! I got a 1999 Toyota Avalon, maybe 3 years ago… STILL doesn’t even have 150K mi on it. I gave it the usual girl name, but it spoke sharply to me and said “I’m a BOY car, and I want a BOY name!” Wow, I thought. So I named him Bruce Willis.

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Say what you will about Donald Trump: He was not in the business of subsidizing boondoggles like Solyndra, the Gaza Pier, and Ukraine. And he demanded that for every regulation imposed by the government, two must be terminated.

In 2015 a remarkable skyscraper called Mini Sky City was constructed in Changsha, China, in just 19 days. It stands at 57 stories and reaches a height of 204 meters. The construction company, Broad Sustainable Building, used a modular construction system to achieve this impressive feat. Interestingly, they had even more ambitious plans for a larger project called Sky City, which was intended to be 220 stories tall. Additionally, there’s another project called Sky City that aims to be the tallest building in the world, with 220 floors, and it’s set to be built in just 90 days by the Xiangjiang river in Changsha.

It seems that China has less bureaucrats than the USA. Because of government regulations, it takes as long (and probably costs as much) to build a new home as it cost to build the Empire State Building.

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"And he demanded that for every regulation imposed by the government, two must be terminated."

Too bad the Deep/Administrative State and leftist judges blocked him. Maybe he will have better luck next time.

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You can also see the air in China.

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Beijing (at least when the Three Gorges Dam was completed) was like wading in mustard. Even with a handkerchief over my mouth, I could barely cope with the sulfur. No wonder.

all the Hans are moving to Tibet. Tibet is China's version of Sedona.

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You know, I have to wonder about that... Is it propaganda? I've never been to China. But I will say this: The whole theme of "climate crisis" is a ludicrous pile of horse puckey. Yes, there's surely pollution. But NOT a climate crisis, and NOT too much CO2... CO2 is what plants need to survive, and it's very low right now. Couple that with chem trails and 5G, and well, we're in a crisis alright, but it's not the freakin CLIMATE. So saith the dog.

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The air was visible in American cities when I was a kid. The Clean Air Act was both an expensive pain in the ass and quite effective.

The changes in temperature since the beginning of the industrial age aren't that far off of the first order estimate based on theory -- which goes back to the late 1800s. What we aren't seeing are some of the feared second order effects. Warming increases water vapor in the air (water vapor is a greenhouse gas) but it also increases cloud cover. They appear to be offsetting more or less -- so far.

Some of the doom thresholds you probably heard of were marketing gimmicks by activists like Bill McKibben. Whatever threshold there is for unpleasant feedback effects won't be known until after the effect. There is a multi year delay between changes in the forcing function and full temperature effects because the upper layers of the oceans mix, and the oceans are a really big heat sink.

Global warming is a looming potential crisis, not a current crisis. (Unless the coral bleaching is truly caused by raised CO2 levels.) But the good news is that we can use the threat of global warming to promote a Reactionary agenda just as the Left is using it to promote a conformunist agenda.



Be more Machiavellian. Let's win. (And MAYBE prevent having to deal with a hundred million Moslem refugees from Bangladesh and the Nile Delta.)

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Sorry, I don't buy your idea. I prefer to go with actual science. It's a fact, according to quite a few, don't know an exact number, geologists and other scientists who have real data to show how *nothing* humans do on this planet causes climate change, it is actually COOLING, slowly, and this is caused by the SUN. I don't know IF or WHY coral is "bleaching" but if it is, I'd suspect pollution to be the issue, or something other than "climate change." And rainfall and such is MUCH affected, if not controlled, by Persistent Aerosol Spraying. "Climate Change" or "Crisis" is purely propaganda. Whether you're honestly disagreeing with these things, or you're paid to say them, I don't know. I'm not interested in being Machiavellian. Calling those who disagree with something names, such as "reactionaries" is the Ad Hominem Logical Fallacy, and also utilizes the "Staying on Message" fallacy... I have looked into this, and I have my opinion, and unless you can PROVE what you're claiming with SCIENCE, I'm not interested. And electric cars are BULLSHIT. So saith the dog.

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"Reactionary" is meant to be a compliment. I do write a Substack called "Rules for Reactionaries", after all. There is a huge overlap between ideas advocated by the Dissident Right and ideas advocated by the kind of environmentalists who form food coops in core cities and whatnot. The garb and vocabulary differ, however.

As for going with the science, plenty of real scientists say the warming is happening. And real scientists were saying it long before Al Gore come onto the national stage. John von Neumann wrote about it in the 1950s. Compared to John von Neumann you are an idiot -- and so am I.

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You donut know me, and compare me to anybody, I'm not an idiot, even if I smed like one.

You say "plenty of real scientists," but that's not SCIENCE, that's just taking somebody's word for it. If I had a memory for details, which I don't, too often, I'd point you to the various videos I've seen where geologists and those kinda folks EXPLAIN how the SUN is the boss, and WHY, and HOW, and how it all works. Me, I'm a headlines memory kinda dog. But I don't remember a lot of the things that turn out to be propaganda. But I don't have to beat you over the head with it, either, it's not a big thing. But I still say, and will say, electric cars are BULLSHIT, lol. Cheers.

PS We're not all that known to each other but I am often accused of being ANGRY when I'm not, it's just the way I write. I like to argue, but not FIGHT. You know, DEBATE. I always learn something.

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I said you were an idiot compared to JOHN von NEUMANN. And I said that I am idiot too compared to von Neumann.

Look him up. His intellect was stratospheric. And he wasn't a communist. He helped invent the H bomb and was ready to use it preemptively against the communists -- until he invented Game Theory as an alternative.

Anyway, the post apropos our discussion. https://rulesforreactionaries.substack.com/p/is-global-warming-a-complete-hoax

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Nope, I'm not an idiot compared to von Neumann. My IQ is actually pretty high. That doesn't mean I can spew out citation, but that's what's in order. I remember stuff that I feel is true, based on science, but I don't necessarily remember all the DETAILS. I'm a Big Picture person, generally speaking. But I'm sure I could go dig up some stuff for you, it's just not really my field of interest. I'm more into health/medicine and political things. That said, I understand the science, generally speaking, when it makes SENSE.

Okay, I read the post you linked above, but it sounds like speculation right there... Where's the actual SCIENCE? Just askin', b/c if you can't provide it, then I'm skeptical, just as you are skeptical if I don't provide the science to you.

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If you have a 140 IQ, you are 50+ points below von Neumann.

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Think he's 190, is that what you're saying? I don't believe it, but then I don't CARE. I don't like people who create mass murder devices! To me, killing a lot of people isn't SMART. But whatever. I don't care about him, he's means virtually nothing to me! Now, someone like Scott Ritter... That guy is smart.

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The over-regulation is a real issue. Sticking to old cars sounds better

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Be like the Cubans... keep your old car running!

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Yes! It's what you do in a communist regime.

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Even at $150 per mpg exceeding target, that's $3000 for being off by 20 mpg.

Well worth it. Time for the FU auto company.

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