Here in Michigan we had the lock-down queen as governor, Whitmer, who banned even shopping for garden seeds. She banned travel to your cottage if you have one, although she herself did exactly that. Many sheriffs openly declared that they would not enforce her edicts, so much of it was just ignored in the more rural areas, especially far from the capitol. Then we had the kidnapping plot that broke just before the election.
If law enforcement won't turn fascist, that's a very helpful thing!!
I will say, tho, that Covid has NOT shown us who is running the world... it's not the govt's, nor the likes of Fauci or stupid governors, etc. It's the same damn globalist psychopaths that have been running the world for thousands of years, from behind the curtain... They are the richest, Nastiest, most destructive and evil muffos ever to walk the face of our beautiful Earth. They call themselves the "Black Nobility" and they are Jesuits, and they have their tentacles in EVERYTHING...
A good place to get educated on these people in Frances Leader's page, "Uncensored." She's been onto them for a while now.
The COVID lock-down shifted vast amounts of wealth from small businesses into large corporations, killing off many of the small businesses with which they had to compete. It was probably considered a great success.
Here in Michigan we had the lock-down queen as governor, Whitmer, who banned even shopping for garden seeds. She banned travel to your cottage if you have one, although she herself did exactly that. Many sheriffs openly declared that they would not enforce her edicts, so much of it was just ignored in the more rural areas, especially far from the capitol. Then we had the kidnapping plot that broke just before the election.
If law enforcement won't turn fascist, that's a very helpful thing!!
I will say, tho, that Covid has NOT shown us who is running the world... it's not the govt's, nor the likes of Fauci or stupid governors, etc. It's the same damn globalist psychopaths that have been running the world for thousands of years, from behind the curtain... They are the richest, Nastiest, most destructive and evil muffos ever to walk the face of our beautiful Earth. They call themselves the "Black Nobility" and they are Jesuits, and they have their tentacles in EVERYTHING...
A good place to get educated on these people in Frances Leader's page, "Uncensored." She's been onto them for a while now.
The COVID lock-down shifted vast amounts of wealth from small businesses into large corporations, killing off many of the small businesses with which they had to compete. It was probably considered a great success.