Did the woman assume that building B was taller but farther away and that the others saw something that she didn't which clued them in that B was further, thus she knows they B is taller because the others figured it out? Things can be a matter of definition; if it is a matter of the genitals its one thing, if the definition is feelings,…
Did the woman assume that building B was taller but farther away and that the others saw something that she didn't which clued them in that B was further, thus she knows they B is taller because the others figured it out? Things can be a matter of definition; if it is a matter of the genitals its one thing, if the definition is feelings, it's different. (If a tree falls in the forest and no person is there. does it make a sound? If sound is defined as vibrations of air molecules, yes. If it is defined as a human ear being vibrated, no.) Back in the prehistory of the Earth I was in high school and read Science News magazine. They had an article on people who were convinced they were in a body of the wrong sex. First I had heard of it and I thought, wow. It was thought at the time to be a type of mental illness, and affected much less than 1 % of the population. This makes me think most are faking it. Or maybe it's the pesticide they put on soybeans.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.
Did the woman assume that building B was taller but farther away and that the others saw something that she didn't which clued them in that B was further, thus she knows they B is taller because the others figured it out? Things can be a matter of definition; if it is a matter of the genitals its one thing, if the definition is feelings, it's different. (If a tree falls in the forest and no person is there. does it make a sound? If sound is defined as vibrations of air molecules, yes. If it is defined as a human ear being vibrated, no.) Back in the prehistory of the Earth I was in high school and read Science News magazine. They had an article on people who were convinced they were in a body of the wrong sex. First I had heard of it and I thought, wow. It was thought at the time to be a type of mental illness, and affected much less than 1 % of the population. This makes me think most are faking it. Or maybe it's the pesticide they put on soybeans.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.
Roger that