4 unverified, Cassandra-like prophecies from the crystal ball of rock.
We may find that the year 2025 begins on November 5, 2024. Whatever happens on election day may well set in motion The Great Events of 2025.
What if Trump wins an extremely close election?
Seems highly unlikely that the leftists will accept that outcome. There will be widespread civil unrest. Riots, looting, arson, the whole shooting match. The leftist controlled media will find ways to blame it all on Trump and to demand that he step down for the sake of the nation, to “save democracy” The executive branch of the US government is infested with unelected, unaccountable deep state operatives. Can Trump fire them all? Can he dismantle the FBI-DHS-NSA-CIA US Secret Police before they find a way to kill or at least unseat him? No one can know the answer now. But as 2025 progresses, we will learn the answer.
What if Trump wins decisively, by a margin too large to seriously question?
The leftists control essentially every large institution in the United States. Including the executive branch of government, permanent deep state operatives. All these institutions will rebel against Trump. In one form or another, or in one way or another. It seems that Javier Malei took the leftist establishment of Argentina somewhat by surprise. And he was able to implement major reforms before they could mount an opposition. That won't be the case for Trump.
The left probably already has a plan to take Trump down. It’s the same conspiracy that the “Tory In Name Only” leftist government and the UK central bank used to unseat the rightist Prime Minister Liz Truss.
A Biden Conspiracy Theory You Haven’t Heard Yet Maybe the Dems don't plan to steal the election in 2024. They plan to steal the presidency in 2025.
Quoting from that Substack:
In a Wall Street Journal article titled “The Deep State Lies in Wait for Trump” Liz Truss, a recent British Prime Minister, predicted that leftists will be able to destroy Trump’s presidency, just as they had done to her, relating how Brit leftists “…undermined my tenure as Britain’s prime minister, forcing me out of office after 49 days. I assumed that I would be able to drive through the agenda on which I was elected. How wrong I was.”
In a later Wall Street Journal article, in June, 2024, one of Liz Truss’ “most vocal critics” admitted that she had been in the right all along. “Ms. Truss became Tory leader and prime minister in summer of 2022 on a promise to slash taxes and regulation to revive the economy. When she released the first tranche of formal proposals in September, she fell victim to poor timing. Bank of England monetary policies already had made markets jittery, and small wobbles surrounding her ‘minibudget’ were enough to trigger a panic over improperly hedged pension funds.”
Gradually, the truth came out that the mini-financial crisis wasn’t “bad timing”. It was the result of a conspiracy by UK leftists to destroy Liz Truss. The U.S. Leftist Government/Media/ Central-bank complex could do the same thing to Trump.
And if the Truss-Ambush-Plan doesn't work, the left can come up with any number of other plots that could work. As we said, the left control virtually every institution in the United States. They have the power to carry out lots of plots.
What if Kamala Harris wins a an extremely close election?
Then many people on the right will have no choice but to presume that the Democrats cheated again. Then we will have a momentous decision. Do we give in and obey, or do we oppose the regime as illegitimate? If the latter, then what form is that opposition likely to take? The right is not nearly as naive as it was on January 6th, 2021. No one believes anymore that the police, FBI, DOJ, etcetera are impartial, or even really American. They are the police of the U.S. Police State. COVID proved that the local police will carry out unconstitutional and illegal orders from their masters. More and more on the right have come to understand that the US government is their enemy. So what happens on January 6th, 2025?
A great many on the right may renounce any belief that elections are valid anymore. The belief that government can ever be changed by voting in the right will be shaken and perhaps destroyed. What then? One thing that could happen is a realization that the RINOs are indeed merely the less-left wing of the Uniparty. Then the logical thing would be to destroy the Republican Party.
That would be easy. What if, in the off-year elections of 2026, all the people who voted for Trump refused to vote for Republicans? They just don't vote. Without those votes, Republicans would win almost no elections. The Republican Party, for all intents and purposes, would be wiped out and destroyed. The Republican Party would hold few elected offices and be little bigger than the Libertarians or Green Party, but without any core of ideological true-believers that keep those parties alive. Republican politicians are people who are Republicans because they want power; with no way to get power, there is no Republican Party. And so Americans would be forced to face the reality that the US has a 1-party system. The 2-Party charade would be history. Would Americans be willing to accept that new reality? If not, what would we do? Begin a real third party? A MAGA party?
If so, the people doing that would have to look back at what happened to the Tea Party and to learn lessons from that failure. Early on, the Tea Party movement became involved with mainstream Republican politicians. And in the end, the Tea Party was undermined and destroyed by those mainstream Republican traitors. If the right begin a new party, it would for starters have to completely renounce any association with what was left of the Republicans. But what then? What would be the course to take?
What if Kamala Harris wins decisively, by a margin too large to seriously question?
That is perhaps the most terrifying question of all, because the leftists themselves will then face a momentous decision. A decision that will determine the course of U.S. history for the rest of U.S. history, however long that may last. Because the salient truth is, again, as we said, the leftists control virtually every institution in the United States. The system of government that America really has now is much closer to being a kleptocratic oligarchy than a constitutional Republic.
Is This scenario possibly the American reality?
Today the US government is unaccountable to the American people. Partly because the Uniparty makes the U.S. a 1-party system, like most totalitarian nations have been. And partly because since Wilson the Progressive socialist and FDR the Liberal socialist, America has increasingly been ruled by edict, by unelected, unaccountable Deep-State/Administrative-State mini-dictators. Those people, along with the Uniparty politicians, are the real U.S. government and they are all leftists. And in the United States now, the police are armed like the military, and answer only to their politician/government-regulator masters in Washington DC., and not to the people.
In other words, the leftists have the power, if they so choose, to establish a genuinely and completely totalitarian government system in the United States. A final coup. And we the people have no way to stop them, short of all-out armed revolution. And the outcome of such a revolution is completely unpredictable, except for one thing: It would not end well. It would almost certainly be much more like the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution than like the First American Revolution. I.e. a real blood bath that culminates in a monstrous and bloody-minded dictatorship. That's what history would seem to predict.
Can the US Army Legally Kill Americans?
No, not until quite recently.
This was first reported on Substack by Ben Bartee “U.S. Military Now Authorized to Kill Americans on U.S. Soil? New DoD Directive” . Then picked up by Zero Hedge and then explained on Ron Paul’s Rumble Channel:
On September 27, 2024, just in time for the U.S. Presidential election about six weeks later, the US Department of Defense issued a directive to the US military — the U.S. Army and all other branches — to kill American citizens. In unlimited numbers. All Americans that any local, state, or the federal government say need to be killed. To unleash “lethal force” on the civilian population in cases of “national security” emergency. Whatever those “emergencies” might be.
Such as to kill any American who protests or refuses to obey government orders in a COVID-style “emergency”. Or who questions the 2024 election. Anything that government wants to call an “emergency”.
You get the idea.
Prior to September 27th, 2024, it was illegal for the US military to kill American citizens. But that was changed. You don't have to be a paranoid conspiracy theorist to wonder: Why now?
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of state and local police across the United States are massively armed with military-level weapons and equipment. And enough ammunition to kill every American dozens of times over.
What is all this for?
The U.S. government now has what is essentially a unified, centrally-controlled police/military. A USSR-NaziGerman-style POLICE STATE police force. It’s a statement of fact.
These are just musings from Rightful Freedom’s crystal ball. You probably think at least some of them are impossible (if not unthinkable), and you probably have many thoughts and predictions of your own. For sure, it's not too soon to start thinking about 2025 as one of the most pivotal years in human history. It will almost certainly be a tipping point. But what will America tip over into? A chasm of totalitarianism that our country will never be able to climb out of? Or a new era of freedom? Or something else?
If Harris and Waltz and the deep administrative state rule America, will we the right meekly celebrate July the 4th, 2025, and our “freedom”, as sheep? If Trump wins, the leftists will use all their power to unseat and probably kill or imprison him, by any means necessary. What will the United States of America be like by December 2025? Red pill, blue pill; white pill, black pill. Be a prophet. Take your pick. “Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie. Everything you think, do and say is in the pill you took today…”
Thanks for the great overview, it's a pivotal time, maybe a fourth turning. My contribution to the possibilities would be Texas seceding if things get tyrannical enough, maybe followed by others.
I could see almost any of these outcomes coming to pass. However, I think a massive Harris win would essentially be the same as a slight Harris win. No one on the right can comprehend a scenario where Harris could possibly win the election fairly. Coupled with what we've seen since Trump was first elected and especially since 2020, I can't imagine a scenario where Harris wins and anyone on the right believes it is a legitimate win.
Ironically, I feel like those on the left would say the same about Trump. They've built him up into such a boogeyman that many of them genuinely don't think it's possible for him to win and if he did they're convinced he will usher in WWIII while simultaneously becoming Hitler and turning America into Nazi Germany (historical precedent of 2016-2020 be damned).
If Trump wins there will be riots. If Harris wins...either nothing will happen or will know the silent conservative majority has finally reached a boiling point and the idea of secession and revolution will be in the open and on the table.
I don't see a world in which Harris wins and the right remains docile and abandons the Republican party. That would be a non-action. It would be easier to take over the GOP than it would be to build a new party and get it in the ballot. There's a reason we're a two party nation - because the two parties make a third party impossible.