How to end MAGA? End Trump. (The Left know this.)
As Trump has rightly said: Their real target is us. He’s just in their way.
Most Rightist movements are decentralized, grassroots efforts:
• The Tea Party
• Tax revolts
• The Canadian Truckers’ Covid protest
But MAGA is different. It's built around one person. And the leftists understand that kind of system very well. They understand the cult of personality. They understand dictatorships. It's the kind of system they love. So they understand that if they could destroy Trump, they would destroy MAGA.
(If you already know all about how and why leftists must destroy Trump, you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
Immediately after the assassination attempt on Trump, the leftists such as George Stephanopoulos and Martha Raddatz (on CBS on Sunday) began to call the obvious and reasonable questions is, “conspiracy theories”. Meanwhile, they pounded out their own theory: That Trump caused the assassination attempt himself, by “violent rhetoric” and mean tweets.
One TV commentator seemed to sound a reconciliatory note, “We can vote against each other. We don't have to hate each other."
Who said that? Obama operative, CNN contributor, and Trump-hater Van Jones. Do the Dems really want calm and reconciliation? Who really has really been spewing “violent rhetoric”? On X, Victor David Hanson recalled how leftists’ called for violence against Trump:
By slugging his face (Robert De Niro), by decapitation (Kathy Griffin, Marilyn Manson), by stabbing (Shakespeare in the Park), by clubbing (Mickey Rourke), by shooting ( Snoop Dogg), by poisoning (Anthony Bourdain), by bounty killing (George Lopez), by carrion eating his corpse (Pearl Jam), by suffocating (Larry Whilmore), by blowing him up (Madonna, Moby), by throwing him over a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell), just by generic “killing” him (Johnny Depp, Big Sean), or by martyring him (Reid Hoffman: “Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr.”). Or should we deplore the use of telescopic scope imagery, given that the Left blamed Sarah Palin for once using bullseye spots on an election map of opposition congressional districts, claiming that such usage had incited the mass shooting by Jared Lee Loughner? Yet, recently POTUS Joe Biden was a little bit more graphic and a lot more literal. In a widely reported call to hundreds of donors last week, Biden boasted, ;I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
Obviously, aspects of the assassination attempt do at least suggest the collusion of authorities.
Was there a “stand down” order for the Secret Service (SS)? Such as those obeyed by police who stand by and watch BLM and Antifa rioters burn buildings and loot businesses? Convenient that the shooter was in the open enough to be shot and killed immediately by the SS, but not until after he had taken the shots. So the shooter, like Oswald, was able to shoot but not to live to possibly testify someday. And it wasn’t a lame attempt, like when "Squeaky" Fromme of the Manson Family tried to shoot President Gerald Ford without first chambering a round in her pistol. No, it was well enough executed — it actually should have worked, if Trump had not turned his head at the right instant. At least the shooter won’t live to feign insanity and consequently escape all punishment; an outcome reserved for people who shoot Republicans. No Jody-Foster Defense for him.
(The U.S. “justice” system is amazingly lenient on people who try to assassinate Republicans: Squeaky was supposedly sentenced to life in prison, but in spite of being a member of the murderous Manson fam and getting an extension to her sentence for escaping once by climbing over a fence in a minimum security facility, she was released from prison fifteen years ago.)
No doubt many other questions will arise, and no doubt the best ones will be on Substack. Already:
Donald Jeffries “The Trump Shooting: So Many Questions”.
Ken Klippenstein, How Secret Service Missed the Trump Shooter”
Sage Hana “Do we have any cell phone video of the gunman crawling up the roof?”
With more questions doubtless to come.
But not to worry. The good news is that the FBI is handling the investigation. The bad news is that their first action will be to raid Mar-a-Lago again, looking for evidence they can use to arrest Trump.
And, if the shooter was a leftist, most information about him will be suppressed by the regime and the media, of course. Allegedly transgender school-shooter Audrey Hale’s manifesto is still being suppressed and may never be made public.
What we the right must never forget is that:
• Other MAGA supporters were injured.
• A heroic MAGA supporter died shielding his family from the attack.
What will happen to MAGA?
Trump’s brave fist-of-defiance reaction will probably help his campaign, as it should. But it may do more to make MAGA all about him. One person. And so we can expect that the left’s attempts to destroy MAGA by destroying Trump — both in the open and public efforts, and in secret and conspiratorial plots — will be intensified.
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
This recent attempt to end MAGA by ending Trump will not be the last one. A theory has been floating around, under the surface of the media narrative, which is a possible explanation for what seems to be inexplicable: Why did the Dems hide Biden's dementia for so long, only to suddenly throw it in the face of the public in an early debate? Do the Democrats intend to throw the 2024 election? And if so why would they do that?
Last week, we covered the story of a possible conspiracy theory in a Substack titled. “A Biden Conspiracy Theory You Haven’t Heard Yet: Maybe the Dems don't plan to steal the election in 2024. They plan to steal the presidency in 2025.
On the morning after the assassination attempt on Trump, subscriber Raul E Sciaky of Raul’s Substack commented on that piece to ask:
“And add the assassination attempt on Trump, yesterday.
“Orchestrated? Very certain.
“How does that fit in?”
Good question. How does it fit in to the larger effort to destroy MAGA? We discussed another possible leftist plot in: “How Dems Steal the 2024 Election: It worked for them before.” And anti-Trump lawfare in “Wile E. Coyote versus Trump (the Leftist Mega Doom-loop)”.
What are the odds that the leftists will keep trying to end Trump? What are the odds that we can stop them? Because if we don’t, MAGA dies too. And it seems to possibly be our last chance to save America.
As Trump has rightly said: Their real target is us. He’s just in their way.
Even if they had a "don't fire unless fired upon" protocol they should have gone into Trump removal mode as soon as the shooter was spotted.
"…. no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power."
George Orwell - 1984
Perhaps this assassination attempt is just one more step in making the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. Pray the mob does not fall for the bait.