BREAKING NEWS — Who's on sides? And what does illegal immigration have to do with it?
(If you already know all about what illegal immigration has to do with the war in Ukraine and the possibility of World War 3, you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
Is World War 3 clickbait? Are the people writing about it alarmists, and neocons war-mongering to drum up support for a bigger U.S. military budget?
Frankly, Rightful Freedom took the idea of a conventional WW3 with a grain of salt. Because it seems that you couldn’t have a World War 3 without the modern equivalent of the 1914 WW I Entente versus the Central Powers, or a 1941 WW II the Allies versus the Axis. I.e. two sides including at least two or three big powerful nations on each side.
So if you're going to have a World War 3 soon, then who are two or three big, powerful nations that could ally to seriously oppose the US and the rest of NATO?
The obvious answer is Russia and China. But is it a good answer?
Is Russia vastly overrated as a heavyweight? Remember when Russia was certain to conquer Ukraine in two weeks? Now Putin is bogged down in a war that it is possible he cannot win and might lose. If he can't beat Ukraine, how could he beat NATO? If Putin can't beat up his puny next door neighbor, how can he be a conventional-war threat to the super-power United States, in a distant neighborhood on the far side of a big ocean?
With Chinas help?
While China has certainly been massively building up its military, is it realistic that China could fight America and NATO and win? Historically, China has not been successful in fighting other nations. Yes, the communist Chinese did conquer Tibet and Mongolia, but those are not exactly the military big leagues.
Historically, Japan was indeed in the military big leagues. Japan defeated Russia in a real war. And Japan has a real history of the military conquest of other nations. (Lots of them, including Korea, who will soon become important in our WW3 story.) Japan is, of course, much smaller than China. But in 1937 Japan invaded China and won a long succession of victories against the Chinese military. A few years later, China launched what was probably its biggest historical military aggression against a foreign nation. In 1950, China crossed the Yalu River with 250,000 troops attacking a much smaller US/UN/South-Korean force, which had dangerously extended its supply lines. But, though China was fighting next door, and not having to cross and ocean or to fight on another continent, the best China could get was a draw. In other words, China just doesn't have a successful track record of fighting foreign countries.
The Muslim nations are also in a long, long war against the West. In terms of population, Egypt is the largest Muslim nation. In terms of military power, Iran is the most militarily powerful Muslim nation. But overall, Muslim nations do not have a good track record in the 20th and 21st centuries against Western militaries. Muslim nations, such as mountainous Afghanistan, have been able to defend against Western invaders, but mostly only using guerrilla tactics. An anti-NATO alliance will not win World War 3 just by using guerrilla tactics fighting on its own soil. It's hard to imagine an Egyptian-Iranian military force invading the West In the 21st century. The 10th century, yes. But not now.
Speaking of Muslims invading Europe in the Middle Ages, perhaps the militarily most powerful Muslim nation is in fact Turkey. The Turkish Ottoman Empire did participate in WW I, allied with Germany. But today Turkey is in NATO. It doesn't belong there, but it is there. So presumably it would not be fighting against NATO in World War 3. (BTW, FREE CONSTANTINOPLE.)
So a Muslim alliance with China or Russia doesn't seem very likely. Or to matter much if it did happen. (The Ottoman Empire was not a very effective ally of Germany in WW I, at all.)
And a 21st century Russia-China alliance hasn’t seemed likely. Even when they were both communist countries, they didn't get along particularly well.
We said “hasn’t” because last week that changed. It was all over the media.
The North Korea - Russia Alliance
A North Korean alliance with Russia is essentially a Chinese alliance with Russia. North Korea is a Chinese puppet state. It only exists as a communist nation because of its alliance with communist China. That alliance is so close that in a sense, the two countries are not really two separate nations. For example, when Christian defectors escape from North Korea (about 20% of Koreans are Christians), the Chinese communists routinely send them back to the NK to be tortured to death.
The Western media has been very reluctant to tell the truth about the North Korean dictatorship. They don't like to report that it could not exist without the aid that it has been getting from China for eight decades. The terrible suffering of the North Korean people under a communist dictatorship only continues because the Chinese empower the Kim regime to enslave the people.
The reality is that North Korea probably could not send troops to Ukraine unless the Chinese agreed to it. A North Korean alliance with Russia is de facto a Chinese alliance with Russia. And that could mean that everything changed when the Chinese/NK communist alliance sent troops to fight alongside Russians against the US-NATO-backed Ukrainians.
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
You want World War 3? Well THIS, is how you really get World War 3.
Yesterday, a related story appeared in the media, and it has gone mostly unnoticed. The North Korean troops sent to Ukraine to fight for Russia are beginning to defect. They are in fact illegally immigrating into Ukraine.
All this is important because of truths about:
○ North Korea
○ communism
○ the media
And the truths are these:
1. Life in the communist dictatorship of North Korea is so horrible that illegally immigrating into the middle of a desperate war is an improvement.
The plight of the common people of North Korea is much, much worse than the Western media would like us to know. How much do you have to starve a child to make sure that he grows up to be 5 inches shorter than he should be? Ukraine wasn't the only place where communist dictators caused famines that killed millions of people. Communist food shortages have stunted the growth of the North Korean nation and of its people. We wrote about it in a Substack, using data from several sources.
“North Korea and South Korea are among the most racially homogeneous countries on earth as ethnic Koreans make up 96% of South Korea’s population and over 99% of North Korea’s population. Thus, based on genetics alone, height among these two countries’ populations should be about the same. But South Koreans are taller.”
"...children raised in the developing country of North Korea are up to 13 cm [5 inches] shorter..."
Daniel Schwekendiek, "Height and weight differences between North and South Korea" Sociology Journal of Biosocial Science (2009)
The reason for the difference in height between the North Koreans and South Koreans is the malnutrition in the North. But Kim is fat. His communist enforcers live well. At the expense of the Korean people. What kind of people starve their children on purpose? The Russian communists did. The North Korean communists do. Who punishes families for having more than one child, a policy that, for one thing, resulted in the murder of millions of Chinese baby girls? The Chinese Communists. The perpetual allies of the North Korean communists. Communists aren't nice people. No matter what the leftist media would like you to believe.
Remember how, in the late 20th century, the world media incessantly screamed about apartheid in South Africa, until that nation was finally destabilized? That same media now hesitates, in fact almost refuses, to report how bad things are in North Korea.
2. The leftist mass media does its best to hide it all from the public.
Everyone knows the US media is the propaganda arm of the US leftists. But the world media has long hidden the truth about communists and how horrible they are.
Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together (2020)
As we wrote in the Subsack Evidence: The Media is a Lot Worse Than We Thought .
The people who committed that crime were leftists. The fact that the world did not seem even to know that the crime happened is proof that the people who did it — the leftists — control the global media. The global media hid it when tens of millions of people were put into concentration camps. And tens of millions of people were murdered. Tens of millions of people were starved to death. Over a period of decades. The global media barely even mentioned that it was going on. That silence is proof that the global media was and is controlled by the leftists. The perpetrators of the crime.
Why does the world media report so little of the truth about how bad North Korea is? Because almost all of the global media is controlled by Marxists. Communists. Just as Solzhenitsyn said. And to believe anything other than that is to fool yourself. The global media are the propaganda arm of global leftism. And the program of leftism is simple: Leftists want to make governments bigger and more powerful so that they can use those governments to control the rest of us, the people who want to be free. To take our wealth, to make themselves rich, and to enslave us, under their control.
We may not like to believe that, but every single day the media is full of the proof of it.
Who causes all wars? Governments do. Wars transfer money from the people to the governments. Governments get more power, and the people in those governments get richer. But the common people suffer, are impoverished, and die in the government wars.
The truth is that we have been in a World War for a long, long time. The war of control versus freedom. Of governments versus people. The war of the left against the right.
Intriguing. And disgusting.
You don't believe in WW III, it doesn't matter, it believes in you as a victim.
Governments don't care, they endure, sometimes on a pile of skeletons.
Communists are the worst, but they don't have a monopoly on it, far from it, they spread their misery all over the world. America is Communist now, we should outlaw it, instead of subsidizing the takeover. But that's the best hope of the NWO, WEF, WHO, and the rest of these front groups.
What do we do? What do we do?
I say lock & load, saddle up. Freedom ain't going down without a fight!