The Declaration was written by The People who were proposing Divorce from the British Monarchy. They had no Government initially.
What they proposed for The People was the formation of a New Nation based on the Preexistence of certain Unalienable Rights that cannot be abridged or truncated or denied by anyone short of God Almighty.
A Democratic Republic with a Constitution and Bill of Rights. A Magnificent Idea that required the Ideators to bet their lives on The People’s ability to pull off such a stunning defeat of the reigning world power.
Sadly, to Franklin’s prescient prediction, We couldn’t keep it.
That’s on Us.
And any meaningful change of direction is also on Us.
True. I like to quote Thos Paine in The Rights of Man, "For upwards of two years from the commencement of the American War, and to a longer period in several of the American States, there were no established forms of government. The old governments had been abolished, and the country was too much occupied in defence to employ its attention in establishing new governments; yet during this interval order and harmony were preserved as inviolate as in any country in Europe."
"Clearly The State is not The Republic. That’s a Problem."
Yes, the U.S. government has become unaccountable rulers. It's a big problem.
On the contrary, they did have government: the state governments. These are the state governments they fought to protect from the encroachments of the British imperial government.
If you are both the governor and governed then you are self-governed, right?
Maybe a better word than 'government' is 'order'. Anarchy, as a form of societal organization, is not the absence of order, that would be chaos. Anarchy as a form of societal organization is self-organization, spontaneous order. Self-organization then is a kind of self-government.
Anarchy is not by any means defined by being "spontaneous." It is not chaos, it is simply a different kind of keeping order amongst equals. Here are a couple of different definitions: anarchy :
The state of a society being without authorities or a governing body.
Anarchism-- the political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals, rather than by a government, which is regarded as being coercive by nature.
So, pretty much what you said, but the "spontaneous" is not part of it, though it could be.
It's not SELF-Governing, it's cooperation among equals. In other words, nobody comes to your door if you haven't paid your TAXES, and nobody tells you you have to have a LICENSE to fish in that creek, and nobody says you can't drive without forking over a wad of cash, etc etc etc
We say it—and walk it out daily:
– Meritocracy is superior to Equity;
– Truth is Universal not subjective;
– There are two sexes: Male/Female;
– God is God and we are not;
– America is a Republic, not a Democracy;
– We, The People, ARE the Government;
– The U.S. Constitution is Bedrock.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Forward March.
Wait... We the People are the GOVT????????????
Then I will have to kill myself, and you, too...
We, The People, SHOULD BE the Government;
We, The People, ARE RIGHTLY the Government;
We, The People, ONE DAY WILL AGAIN BE the Government, HOPEFULLY;
The Declaration was written by The People who were proposing Divorce from the British Monarchy. They had no Government initially.
What they proposed for The People was the formation of a New Nation based on the Preexistence of certain Unalienable Rights that cannot be abridged or truncated or denied by anyone short of God Almighty.
A Democratic Republic with a Constitution and Bill of Rights. A Magnificent Idea that required the Ideators to bet their lives on The People’s ability to pull off such a stunning defeat of the reigning world power.
Sadly, to Franklin’s prescient prediction, We couldn’t keep it.
That’s on Us.
And any meaningful change of direction is also on Us.
Clearly The State is not The Republic.
That’s a Problem.
"They had no Government initially."
True. I like to quote Thos Paine in The Rights of Man, "For upwards of two years from the commencement of the American War, and to a longer period in several of the American States, there were no established forms of government. The old governments had been abolished, and the country was too much occupied in defence to employ its attention in establishing new governments; yet during this interval order and harmony were preserved as inviolate as in any country in Europe."
"Clearly The State is not The Republic. That’s a Problem."
Yes, the U.S. government has become unaccountable rulers. It's a big problem.
On the contrary, they did have government: the state governments. These are the state governments they fought to protect from the encroachments of the British imperial government.
Um, okay.
Me, I don't feel I need to be "governed."
Maybe we can CHOOSE which we want. ;)
I think Anarchy is a better model.
"Me, I don't feel I need to be 'governed.'"
If you are both the governor and governed then you are self-governed, right?
Maybe a better word than 'government' is 'order'. Anarchy, as a form of societal organization, is not the absence of order, that would be chaos. Anarchy as a form of societal organization is self-organization, spontaneous order. Self-organization then is a kind of self-government.
Anarchy is not by any means defined by being "spontaneous." It is not chaos, it is simply a different kind of keeping order amongst equals. Here are a couple of different definitions: anarchy :
The state of a society being without authorities or a governing body.
Anarchism-- the political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals, rather than by a government, which is regarded as being coercive by nature.
So, pretty much what you said, but the "spontaneous" is not part of it, though it could be.
It's not SELF-Governing, it's cooperation among equals. In other words, nobody comes to your door if you haven't paid your TAXES, and nobody tells you you have to have a LICENSE to fish in that creek, and nobody says you can't drive without forking over a wad of cash, etc etc etc
COOPERATION is the ticket.