(If you doubt that this is important, jump to the “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
What's the C word? Like the N word, it was invented (as we will see ) as a pejorative label to denigrate a certain kind of people. The C word is conservative, as political term.
Are you a conservative? If so, you are only because the leftists made you one. How did they make you a conservative? They did it in two ways:
1. They politicized and weaponized the word conservative, turned it into a political label that they could use against rightists.
“Conservative as the name of a British political faction first appeared in 1830. It … [was a] repudiation of some reactionary policies.”
Online Etymology Dictionary
By the 21st century, the dictionary said that conservative meant, “a person who opposes change, who wants to maintain the status quo”.
The Oxford English Dictionary lists some synonyms: “right-winger, rightist, reactionary, diehard, neoliberal”.
(Note that in Europe and to U.S. leftists, the word “neoliberal” means a rightist; we discuss at length how and why that happened elsewhere).
So, a conservative is someone who reacts to something, who opposes something. But what exactly? Progress, the leftists say. Conservatives oppose progress. And what exactly is this “progress” that conservatives oppose? It’s all the bad new ideas that leftists create to attack what is right.
The left – right difference is, we say, a conflict. And in that struggle the leftists invent issues, to use as weapons to attack the rightists.
“Progressivism never stops. Its advocates never say, “This is far enough.” No sooner is one objective completed than left-wing agitators shout that a new social justice battle be waged” DC Larson said on Substack in April 2024.
The list of issues that leftist create to attack the right and to demand more government is almost endless.
○ Slavery Reparations for black people.
○ Government funded late-term abortion on demand.
○ Decriminalizing theft.
○ Universal Basic Income.
○ Man-made Global Warming.
○ Gender issues.
○ Overpopulation.
○ Give illegal immigrants the rights of citizens.
The list could go on indefinitely.
The leftists do not make a secret of their tactics. In April 2024, in his Substack, David Poe quoted Rachel Maddow saying, "The way to move or expand that [Overon] window is to advocate super extreme positions which change the realm of what`s politically possible because after something super nuts has been floated, thereafter, slightly less nuts positions will start to look acceptable and moderate by comparison."
2. So the second way that the leftists made you a conservative, a “reactionary”, is by making you oppose the leftists’ bad ideas.
If you oppose those bad ideas, the leftists say, you are a conservative opposing progress. But all you really are is a sane, decent person who is against bad ideas.
So in practice, in real usage in the leftist media since 1830, a conservative is someone who opposes bad leftist ideas. Is that you? Be proud to be a conservative.
Conclusion: Why This Is Important!”
One reason this matters is because the leftists really do create a never-ending series of bad ideas, issues, and policies. They are able to do this successfully only because they control the mass media, including the entertainment media. (Think about all the bad leftist ideas, issues, and policies, from “white people are all racists” to “there are lots of genders/sexes” to “global warming” to “making a profit is evil”. How many of these were the leftists able to turn into big public issues by putting them in movies and TV shows?)
One problem with rightists is that we are like James Bond’s martinis, we are shaken but not stirred. We are upset and appalled by the latest leftist abomination (‘Mutilate children’s genitalia without parental consent!’) but we are not stirred to really oppose them. All we do is point out the leftists are wrong. But the leftists already know that they are wrong, and they won’t change their minds if you show them they’re wrong. The leftists’ goal is not to be right; the leftists’ goal is to use issues to make government more powerful and to control that government, to control the rest of us.
Another problem with us rightists is that we only react. We rarely create our own issues, with which to attack the left.
Do we need to use rightist, independent media to create and promote good ideas, issues, and policies? Yes, we do. But we are not doing a good job of that now. We do better if we better understood how the leftists use their control of the mass media.
The leftists use their mass media to create bad ideas and issues based on lies. We could use our media to create good ideas and issues based on the truth. Should we do that?
We say it—and walk it out daily:
– Meritocracy is superior to Equity;
– Truth is Universal not subjective;
– There are two sexes: Male/Female;
– God is God and we are not;
– America is a Republic, not a Democracy;
– We, The People, ARE the Government;
– The U.S. Constitution is Bedrock.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Forward March.
I love the term conservative. It means only that I find there is much worthy of conservation.