The existence of the Department of Education violates the Tenth Amendment. Trump says he will eliminate it. Knock on wood.

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Jun 25Liked by Rightful Freedom

No you can't blame them, capitalism gives and takes, it has given the free people of the world prosperity, the greatest standard of living increase in world history, and now it devolves into 'nation building' and other failed plans including unlimited immigration and a lack of upkeep for our crumbling infrastructure, and war, and rumors of wars.

Somebody's got to turn it all off, no more Iraqs, no more Ukraines, no more period.

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Jun 26Liked by Rightful Freedom

Your article dovetails nicely with my latest post titled "U.S. Democracy vs. Marxist Rule" at https://2026.substack.com/p/us-democracy-vs-marxist-rule. My post summarizes the comparison between free and unfree forms of government that American youth should be getting in schools but aren't.

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"Your article dovetails nicely with my latest post titled 'U.S. Democracy vs. Marxist Rule'"

I thought so, too. Thank you for restacking this, it's much appreciated!

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You are welcome.

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Sadly, so many of these young people have traded God for Government as their source of provision

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Hopefully, we will live to see that begin to change.

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Not to be picking on you, because I agree with you in spirit... that is, I don't believe one has to become a Deist in order to live a fulfilling spiritual life. Spirituality is the keeping and feeding of the Divine within us all-- our SPIRITS. I think that making our own personal spirituality the center of our lives is the key is more welcoming that dictating the means by which an individual becomes involved in their spiritual life... however we wish to think of that "center." Whether its a god, or a creed, or a state of mind... What I'm saying is, let everyone discover their own spirituality without insisting that there is only ONE way to do it. Gods are a means of comfort and inspiration for some; for others it feels like authoritarianism, a "father" that sees all and judges, giving out "punishment." For me, it feels anthropomorphic... a little too "human." I'm not saying there ISN'T a God, in the Judeo/Christian sense, I'm saying there are many ways to think of the Life Force, the Divine, the Holy... etc. The Hindus have an interesting metaphor... The Karmic Wheel has the outer wheel, that touches the Earth, which is the "Dharma," or the WORK of life, and all the beliefs of all the Peoples of the Earth are the Spokes, and all the spokes lead to the HUB, the Center-- The Creator. Does that sort of make sense? Just had to go off on a philosophical tangent... No offense!

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What the leftists are doing to America is unacceptable. The true American must do something before it's too late

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Jun 25Liked by Rightful Freedom

You make good points.

I'd say that we've never really been ALLOWED by TPTSB, to have true "socialism," because the ones who lord over us like our masters, won't allow it. Capitalism is their biggest success (for themselves) and they make sure we stay IN it, as their slaves. Maybe if we get rid of TPTSB, we could explore socialism without their interference and fuckery... ! Or maybe we will create a whole new paradigm, something we haven't seen yet. Might be fun.

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I am trying to figure out TPTSB. The Powers That Should Be?

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Jun 26Liked by Rightful Freedom

The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be. I think I stole that from someone.

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I attempt not to be a contrarian, but I must admit that I enjoy "socialism lite". Following a collision with a semi-truck on the Interstate, I underwent years of surgery and 13 years of needing prescribed narcotics for the chronic pain. Without Social Security, I'd be in a very painful and hopeless state. We must never forget that there are some things that a modern society needs - even while our government has determined that the lives and well-being of American citizens are worth nothing and that we must support the fascist government of Ukraine at all costs.

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Yes, I agree there should be a societal safety net. I still think though that the free enterprise system and the forethought and charity of an educated and free-thinking populace would do a better job of providing it than our government regulators do. Government regulators did not invent or develop the surgical procedures or medications that you received.

We will never find out though whether a free society could provide a safety net. It is in the interest of the government regulators to prevent us from taking away their power to control us. We don't have a free society, and the society that we have is becoming less and less free.

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Jun 25Liked by Rightful Freedom

Never say never! I think we will see that, and so much better than what we've got...

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You make an excellent point, Rightful Freedom. I was still working when that semi jack-knifed on I-75 and totaled out me and my car. So, it's been my BlueCross/BlueShield insurance that's taken the big hit from me and not the government. BC/BS has paid $30,000 for my spinal cord stimulators (that don't work very well). And another insurance company paid for all the Fentanyl, Morphine, Opana, and Dilaudid that allowed me to sleep and stand living for 13 years.

That being said, while I get a small pension, I could not live very well without the addition of the Social Security benefits I paid for and now receive.

Government over-reach and ridiculous bureaucratic regulations make life in the USA a pain in the ass. The TVA was not allowed to build a dam in Tennessee because its installation would have disturbed Snail Darters. I've read that it now takes as long to build a new home as it took to build the Empire State Building.

I have long supported NORML and efforts to end the prohibition on herbal medicine. If we had a benevolent government that was not bought and owned by lobbyists, Cannabis would be legal everywhere and tobacco would not be available.

But, that's world we live in!

I suppose the next generation of Americans will not have access to alcohol but Hashish will be everywhere. Allah loves us. :-D

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Sounds like you were really put through the wringer, Charles. It's great that you came through it.

"Government over-reach and ridiculous bureaucratic regulations make life in the USA a pain in the ass." There's no opiates for that pain. We need to do some major surgery on the U.S. government IMHO.

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A revolution is almost inevitable. When the BRICS realize the USSA is in free fall, the war will be extended from Ukraine to Washington, DC.

If the heavily armed citizenry of the US has the courage and will that the French had two hundred years ago, we could once again take control.


Judy Collins - Marat/Sade - YouTube

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Jun 25Liked by Rightful Freedom

Social Security could be soooooo much more than what we have now. We are fed crumbs from the table of the Elitist Muckities, who brainwash everyone into thinking that their Capitalist chain gang system is "the best." Life could be SO GOOD without this .001% owning 90% of the world's wealth, and making decisions about how we, the "talking cows" are allowed to live. I'm ready to explore better avenues than theirs.

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Jun 25Liked by Rightful Freedom

I think when we are young it’s easier to believe the lies But once we are adults it is our responsibility to discard the lies and figure out the truth about pretty much everything we have been taught as children.For most people in the West that is the lie of Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.. And we can either stay on the path of the traditions of man or we can reject them and become a seeker of truth..I choose the seeker path 45 years ago and I am thrilled to report that more has been revealed..We all live in a satanic world matrix and real freedom comes from detaching from that system and becoming a self sufficient and sustaining human..Detach from the satanic debt and money system and the satanic medicine system and the satanic entertainment system..Read and learn and grow your faith and become the person that others respect and love..First do no harm is a great motto for a life well lived but it is only the beginning..So thrilled to have the Substack community in my life it has been beneficial for filling in some missing pieces of the whole puzzle 🧩

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"Read and learn and grow your faith and become the person that others respect and love.."

Yes, wonderful advice. Be a seeker of truth, and when you learn what is right, do what is right.

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