WIN, WIN, WIN! And a big thank you to readers!!!
He won the election, the popular vote, and the Congress. Who would have thought? (We did.)
First, a big thank you to the readers and subscribers of Rightful Freedom who liked and restacked our pieces calling the election for Donald Trump back in October. As we'll explain, you helped spread a message that must be gotten out to the public. Because Trump's historic victory means that he is in greater danger than ever. And perhaps so is America. The left has a plan to sabotage Trump in the first months after he takes office. We can and must act to prevent that, as we will explain.
Trump rose up, shouting “Fight, Fight, Fight!”
And now he has won. Whatever you may think of Trump, or of the whole system, it's true that now the depredations and injustices of the left have been repudiated. America has spoken, and the message is: The evils committed by the regime in the last four years will not stand.
The attacks on freedom of speech. The stolen election. The squandering of trillions of borrowed/printed dollars. The political prisoners, the lawfare, and the persecution of American families by the US secret police agencies. The importation of millions of illegal aliens. The forever wars. The hatred of America. And on and on and on. They. Will. Not. Stand.
NBC had still not called the election by 4:00 AM the next morning. But Rightful Freedom called the election for Trump, in detail, back on Oct 28, 2024:
"BREAKING: Trump Wins 2024 Election
Wins popular vote and over 300 Electoral College votes — Republicans win House & Senate."
And then we doubled down on the call on October 31, saying “….a Trump victory is in the cards. But Trump is playing a dangerous game. If he lives long enough to be inaugurated in January, 2025, the left has a conspiracy to unseat him in the first few months of his administration.”
And then we tripled down on November 1, when most people were saying they were sure that the election would be very close. We wrote on Substack, “Wall Street Journal Calls the Election for Trump! Is it just us? No... Trump wins!”
And we posted this Note:
We said, “Trump will run the table.”
The morning after the election, the Wall Street Journal, said:
“Donald Trump won big. Polls predicted a tossup, but he ended up running the table in swing state after swing state.”
In October, we wrote, “It's time now to immediately start thinking about what Trump’s victory means. Huge? Yes, it could change a lot. And not just in America. The world might turn. To the MAGA people who remember Reagan: Is it morning again in America?”
On November 6, the day after the election, Elon Musk tweeted:
But there's danger on the horizon. By now, we know what kind of despicable actions the leftists are capable of. They have no shame and their desire for control is limitless.
The leftist plan to sabotage Trump early in 2025
You may not have heard about it, but it has been reported in Mises Wire, the Wall Street Journal, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and others. We first reported on it on July 9, 2024 in the Substack “A Biden Conspiracy Theory You Haven’t Heard Yet - Maybe the Dems don't plan to steal the election in 2024. They plan to steal the presidency in 2025.”
Leftists know their sabotage conspiracy can work because it already did. In the UK, where the Tory and Labour parties and the central bank conspired to cause a financial mini-crisis. Then the leftist media intentionally and wrongly blamed it all on the newly elected, right-leaning Prime Minister Liz Truss. And the leftists were able to unseat her after just 48 days in office.
Douglas French, “Why the Democrats are Throwing the Presidential Election” Mises Wire, May 31, 2024
Wall Street Journal “The Deep State Lies in Wait for Trump”
U.S. leftists plan to do the same thing to President Trump.
How we can fight back against the leftist conspiracy to sabotage Trump
First, we must begin to warn people about the left's plan to unseat Trump.
Second, if the left does indeed create societal disorder to unseat Trump, we have to make sure that they are blamed for the crises that they will cause. We can't let the leftist media put the blame on Trump and on the right. Because that's what they plan to do and they will get away with it, if we don't prevent it.
We start to do both of those things in the same way.
You probably read a lot of Substacks and other publications that allow comments from readers. The writers of those articles will usually read the comments. If you write comments about the leftist’s plan to sabotage Trump, then the writers of those publications will begin to cover that as a subject in their pieces. They all need something to write about.
We need the right media, which is large and growing, to stand up against the left and stop this sabotage. If the right media can do that, it will strengthen them. And we need a strong right media to oppose the powerful leftist mass media. Meanwhile, you can restack this piece and our others about the coming attempt by the left to sabotage Trump. (If you have an investment portfolio, you might keep in mind that the leftists may cause a financial/market crisis in the February-April 2025 period.)
As we said, some writers at the Wall Street Journal and other publications already know about the left’s plan. We just need to make sure it's widely understood that this is what the left may intend. If the leftists feel that they could be blamed for what they do, they will hesitate to do it.
On November 6, 2024, America renounced the Democrats and their depredations. True, this is just one election, and Donald Trump is just one person, but if you look closely at this renunciation of the left, then you see that there's more to it. Minorities are moving right. That's huge. A record was set for first-time voters, and many of those were young men. Now that they have tasted victory, they will probably vote, and vote right, for the rest of their lives. There are too many reasons to go into in this piece why we may be witnessing a sea change. Later this week we will publish a piece that gives a reason (that you probably haven't seen) to predict that yes, America will be moving right, for decades to come. There are signs that the long tide of America-hating leftism may be ebbing and beginning to reverse. The writing may be on the wall for those who have eyes to see it.
When Trump gave his victory speech last night, among those attending was Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Reform party. Trump's victory was about more than making America great again. Are we indeed witnessing the rise of a great international populist movement that can change the world? We hope you will subscribe to Rightful Freedom and that together we can move forward into a future that may be much, much different than we feared just two days ago. It may be morning in America again.
Now is NOT the time too rest on our laurels, remember the words fight, fight, fight means win, win, win and as President Trump said "I will never stop fighting for you..." Pass it on and on and on...
A great task ahead, and we are all involved. Exceptional times to be alive and build a new world for our children and grandchildren, a rightful future.