Mar 27Liked by Rightful Freedom

"Will AI Kill Us?"..........LOL

AI is nothing more than a "Tool". Like pocket calculators and "Smart Phones"; AI's eventual influence depends on how people will use it. If it becomes just another crutch that replaces thinking and reasoning, then I believe many humans will come to grief. AI seems to be one more invitation to apathy and sloth, seducing people into dependence. People bleat loudly about "Freedom and Independence", all the while avoiding any personal effort to those ends. As with Credit Cards and Smart Phones; if people 'cannot live without them' then eventually those systems will break (They are machines), then the dependent will suffer or die....!

AI was not created for your benefit, it was created for the profits and power of the Owners. Yes: AI is "Owned", and not by us!

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Mar 27Liked by Rightful Freedom

Well said.

I find the idea of machines becoming "beings" to be absurd. Machines do what they are built to do... They don't EVOLVE, they don't LEARN, they don't THINK, and they don't FEEL.

I had the strong feeling that the "narrator" and the female voice at the end werre... AI.

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"I had the strong feeling that the "narrator" and the female voice at the end werre... AI."

Good ear. Yes they are AI living at Eleven Labs.

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Mar 27Liked by Rightful Freedom

Oh, thanks. I just got my face ripped off because I argued with someone who said we're ALL psychopaths at certain times, certain circumstances... What bizarre world are we in now??

I'm tired...

Thank you for that.

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About a week ago I read an article in the WSJ by a woman psychologist who says she is a psychopath and has written a book about her life as a psychopath. I probably won't buy the book, but the article wasn't uninteresting.

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Mar 27Liked by Rightful Freedom


Well, I'M not a psychopath, and you don't appear to be one, either.

Cheers, m'dear. Gotta go run errands, good post!

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Thanks. I was worried a couple of years ago, till a computer savvy Internet Friend, lead me to think more logically about this. After watch this evolve, it became obvious that AI has no independent thought, and is being "Fed" by vested interests...

I'm not a Luddite or a Technophobe. But, I am a "Techno-skeptic". I find that the hype and drama of many "New" things, is just Promotional Marketing.

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I am of like thinking. I'd go as far as saying a LOT, or even MOST things we hear from MSM for sure, and also from people we assume to be "Truthy" are actually feeding us a lot of BS... And even if you ARE a Luddite or a Technophobe, that's not any reason to consider you "wrong" or "bad." ^_^


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A variation on Jack Williamson's "With Folded Hands" is the likely scenario. They are already working on it.

(The I. Robot movie owes as much to Williamson as it does to Asimov.)

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May 16Liked by Rightful Freedom

While I do think that there needs to be sensible limits to AI, I do not trust geriatric bureaucrats and their addict interns whose many complaint is that AI is not as socially liberal as they want it to be.

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May 16Liked by Rightful Freedom

Plus, most of the laws I want to govern AI would just be sensible extensions of laws we already have for other issues. Very little need for AI specific regulations.

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May 16Liked by Rightful Freedom

Also, regulations generally are much worse than laws.

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Yes, but don't federal government regulations have the force of law and so really are laws? The difference seems to be that regulations are created by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats and laws are passed by unaccountable Uniparty politicians.

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Morally regulations are not laws. Unjust laws are not laws. Also regulations are made by executive agencies, whereas the "law" I usually like to talk about is the common law of state courts.

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Regulations only have the force of law because Congress is too lazy and our judiciary has been corrupted.

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I would caution you on your history. Hunter-gatherers were *extremely* violent.

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