The TEOTs are over there. You know. Over there. Across the pond. A TEOT is: That Englishperson Over There. We made up a song about them:
Over there, over there,
Send the word, send the word over there,
That the Yanks are wondering.
The Yanks are wondering:
WTF is going on over there? It's hard to tell because the mass media doesn't want to report it. The leftist U.S. mass media is trying to hide what’s going on over there for three reasons:
1. Leftists are doing it.
2. It's bad.
3. And it's going to happen here next.
That's why we need to have a look at what's going down over there, in the UK (in spite of the US mass media’s efforts to stop us). Because what’s happening there is coming here. Especially if Kamala Harris wins. A bit later perhaps, if not. Because the U.S. leftists aren't going to give up, ever.
(If you you're an American who already knows all about what's going on over there, you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
When I say that Britain is a nuthouse, I do not mean it in the sense of Heath Ledger’s Joker’s nihilistic chic insanity, but more a Kafkaesque or Lovecraftian madness.
“Morgoth’s Review”, Substack (August, 2024)
No doubt… But we would say: Less Kafka or Lovecraft, and more Marx and Engels. Picture John Steed and Mrs. Peel played by Josef Stalin and Hillary Clinton. And you have England 2024.
2 Tier Policing
One thing that's going on over there is what the Brits call “2 Tier Policing”. It's very like what we in America call lawfare, or selective prosecution. (We wrote about it in Substack and again, and in the book OverRegulated, that you can buy or read free at the Rightful Freedom website.) It's when the government and big leftist social media, acting as deputies of the government, attack the right: To censor us; to de-platform us; to get us fired from our jobs; to arrest us; to imprison us. And meanwhile to let the leftists off scot-free.
Two Englishmen were recently given lengthy sentences in prison over there for posting mildly anti-Islamic content on social media. But a Muslim, a member of a Muslim rape gang, who was convicted of repeatedly raping a 12 year old white girl, was given community service. The words 2-Tier policing, lawfare, and selective prosecution are synonyms for: Injustice.
Large gangs of Muslim men, dressed in black, wearing masks, and carrying, literally, swords, that they keep stored in mosques, roam the streets of British cities, and the police refuse to even go near them. Let alone impede them. There is no police presence when the gangs attack lone white British citizens with clubs, knives, and swords. Meanwhile, a fast-increasing number of real Brits are being imprisoned for posting opposition to the government online. Some just for re-posting mild, sensible content.
When, years ago, Muslim rape gangs formed to rape young white British children, the children’s parents went to the police for help. But the police refused to help them, and instead helped the Muslim rape gangs. In some cases, the Muslims would nail a girl’s tongue to a table so she couldn’t move as she was repeatedly raped. The only thing police did in response was to put Tommy Robinson in prison.
As Churchill famously should have said, America and Great Britain are two countries separated from the truth by leftist propaganda. Britain has the same anti-freedomism as the U.S. has, but for some reason the Brits have a different vocabulary for it. So we wrote a translation dictionary to help you understand what’s going on over there.
British — American
2 Tier Policing — Lawfare, Selective Prosecution
Tory — RINO
Labour — Democrats
Reform — MAGA
Liz Truss 2022 — Donald Trump 2025?
Guardian, Financial Times, Economist — New York Times, Forbes, Wall Street Journal (only the WSJ editorial board is non-left, and even they are RINO never-trumpers)
House of Socialist Commons — House of Uniparty Representatives
House of Titled Overlords — Senate of the Uniparty
King Charles — Emperor Biden
Church of England — Woke Unitarians
“Woke Rebrand? Church of England Is Avoiding the Term ‘Church’”
Labour-Tory — U.S. Uniparty
Last month, Britain made a dangerous swing to the left. Private education has been attacked, more public housing, the promotion of environmental Marxism, and much more. But that isn’t to say there wasn’t an unspoken gospel among the main parties concerning the deliberate impoverishment of the British Isles. Merely aesthetic differences separate them.
Paulo Ferreira “Removing the “Great” from Britain” Mises Wire
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
A few years ago, we wrote a Substack claiming that the US had become the world's largest exporter of cultural Marxism. That was back when Black Lives Matter had emerged and the George Floyd riots happened. And countries that were not America, and had essentially no black population, such as South Korea and Hungary, were having pro-BLM protests. But now it seems that the Brits, the Canadians, and the Australians, are a half-step ahead of us, in the race to commit societal suicide by cultural Marxism. But maybe that's good. We have an important election coming up. Maybe we still have a chance to avoid some of the things that are going so badly wrong over there.
There are some differences between here and there. Maybe we need to keep them.
...rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within the limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.
Thomas Jefferson
England done finished bobbys are pussies wrestling woman to the ground but letting animals roam with swords they should feel proud while their towns burn
Thank you. I'm very angry about this subject among these people I've spent a while thinking of ways native citizens could throw off the authoritarian persecution and prosecutions. My schemes were all stymied by the fact the personal firearms are gone and the swords belong to the interlopers.The insanity IS the two-tiered policing.
If any nation ever truly needed to be invaded by America to free the burdened citizens from corrupt rule... it's that one.