What Everyone Missed When Trump Rose
Maybe the Left-vs-Right struggle isn’t about Donald J. Trump
The leftists, of course, criticized Trump for saying, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Why didn’t he yell “Unity!” Or “Togetherness!” Or “Compromise!”
Consider the moment as he experienced it. He was in an extreme situation that appeared out of nowhere, and he didn’t have a lot of time to think. Why was ‘fight’ the first thing that came to his mind? Because he meant it? Because he understands what so many of us fail to understand?
Why was his impulse to fight?
Soon thereafter, he was to give a speech accepting the presidential nomination, and for it he took on a different demeanor. Was that different stance a pose. And the true Trump the one that we saw rise shouting, “Fight, fight, fight”?
Behind the pose, maybe he knows what we all should know: That the truest way to understand the left-right conflict is as a war. It isn’t ping pong; it isn’t a nice little game. Maybe we would like to believe that the left means well, and if we play by the rules then they will come around someday, and stop ruining everything, but it isn't true.
(This piece may alienate some subscribers. But Rightful Freedom isn’t for everyone. It’s good for you to know where we stand. On the other hand, if you already know all about the left-right fight, you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
The leftists are serious. They want to destroy the America we know and love and enslave us. That’s not a hallucination or our imagination; it’s what leftists have done to dozens of nations in the last 100 years. They want to do that here.
And the truth is: There would be no Left-Right War if it were not for them attacking us. In general, the policy of the Right is: Live and let live. The policy of the left is: Increase the power of the government, and use government to control the rest of us. All their talk about ‘social justice’ is a front for their desire to control. When have socialists and communists delivered social justice when they got control? What they deliver is misery and despotism.
We are "conservatives" not because we are against new ideas, but because we are against bad ideas. Leftists’ ideas are bad.
We will not destroy our economies and our civilization to accommodate the emotional needs of histrionic communists who imagine we cannot see the immature urge to control the world behind their saving-the-planet pronouncements.
“Let them eat reality” Spaceman Spiff Substack (2024)
There is no compromise possible between these two systems. Contrary to a popular fallacy there is no middle way, no third system possible as a pattern of a permanent social order. The citizens must choose between capitalism and socialism...
Ludwig von Mises, Bureaucracy, (1944)
...the vision of a political rapprochement in which individuals from all corners of the polity converge in the political middle as they sing ‘Kumbaya’ is a dangerous fantasy...
John R. Hibbing, Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences (2013)
“Why can’t we solve the nation’s problems?” writers ask. We answer that it’s not because the nation is “too divided”. It’s mostly because the leftists keep causing more problems.
For the most part, more government doesn’t solve problems, it creates problems. Leftists create new “emergencies” and “crises” and “societal issues”. And then they say that the only solution to those problems is for us to apologize and surrender. And after we surrender, they create new problems.
When we complain that the leftists are wrong and doing damage, they damn us for complaining, and double down on their policies.
Is it time to compromise with leftism? Or to oppose and end it?
Many intelligent people on the right still say that America must be unified to solve our problems. (But to the left, “to be unified” only means centralized control by the left.) Many on the right say it’s too late to save America and the only way forward is to secede or to create many different Americas, some of them anarchist. (But the reality is that the left controls the US government and the US government will kill any people who try to secede.)
That seems to leave one option. Attack the left, defeat the left, and take back our institutions and our country from their control.
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
Whatever else Rightful Freedom is or does, we will offer a different viewpoint. Because it's different, you may not like it. You may not agree with it. But here goes:
We believe that the left-right struggle is a war between people who want to take away our freedom, and we the people who want to be free. Ours is a battle in an ancient war, between the people who want control and the people who want freedom: It’s the Battle of America. And we can't afford to lose.
Trump didn’t rise up shouting, “Compromise with evil!”
Our philosophy is Anti-Leftism. But Anti-Leftism isn’t an end; it should be a beginning. It should lead on to a new vision of a future of freedom for America.
"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire." ~ Robert A. Heinlein
The Left are the former,
My husband used to say, there is only one thing some people understand. And this article outlines it. No more right Republican nice guy, the left is the devil and trying to take over the country, our freedoms and the people. This is very serious.