Leftists would like you to believe that Nazis and Fascists are "far Right". But the opposite is true. They are far Left, because Leftism is really about more government control.
Leftists often create new untruths by distorting and reversing the meanings of words, as we show when documenting other Leftist Untruths. One of the most effective of such reversals was to use false definitions to put “Nazism” (National Socialism) and “Fascism” on the Right side of the political spectrum, which is the wrong side for any kind of big government authoritarianism. Big government authoritarianism is Leftism.
What is Fascism?
Fascism cartelizes the private sector and denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals.
Wait. Isn’t that a description of what socialism always does? No wonder Nazism was actually National Socialism.
True Fascism
The fasces was a bundle of sticks with a projecting axe blade, carried by an ancient Roman magistrate as a symbol of his power. The word fascism derives from fasces.
In The Me Decade and the Third Great Awakening (1976), Tom Wolfe provided an evocative description of the symbolism of fascism. “Any one of the sticks would be easy to break; bound together they are indestructible. The fascist ideology called for binding all classes, all levels, all elements of an entire nation together into a single organization with a single will.”
Rightism is the opposite of fascist centralization of power. The most salient principle of Rightism is arguably the decentralization of power, as we discuss the Leftist Untruth #15: Centralization and other writings. Fascism is the opposite of Rightism; but the fascist centralization of power does bear a very strong resemblance to Socialism and Communism, in practice. Fascism belongs on the Left end of the political spectrum, along with all other forms of totalitarianism.
Hitler and Stalin were Leftist Communazis
The Nazis were socialists, and it showed in many of the policies they implemented after coming to power in 1933. First, like the Soviets, the Nazis initiated a war on private property. Not surprisingly, property rights were severely curbed by National Socialism...
John Kennedy, "Yes, They Were Socialists: How the Nazis Waged War on Private Property" (2022)
HITLER WAS A SOCIALIST: Let’s start with a fact so obvious that many Democrats no longer even bother to try and deny it: Hitler was a Socialist. It is, after all, an awfully hard thing to deny when the name of the party Hitler led was the National Socialist Workers’ Party and the government he ran controlled – either outright through ownership, or de facto via laws and regulations – every essential aspect of the German economy and culture. The latter, in fact, is the very definition of Socialism.
Even Sayet, THE WOKE SUPREMACY: An Anti-Socialist Manifesto (2020)
That Communism and Fascism were essentially the same was long understood.
English writers who consider Communism and Fascism to be the same thing invariably hold that both are monstrous evils which must be fought to the death: on the other hand, any Englishman who believes Communism and Fascism to be opposites will feel that he ought to side with one or the other.
...writers like Peter Drucker and F.A. Voigt have argued that Fascism and Communism are substantially the same thing. ...Bernard Shaw, who, for some years at any rate, declared Communism and Fascism to be much the same thing, and was in favour of both of them.
George Orwell, "Second Thoughts on James Burnham" Polemic (1946)
The Fascist Government [in Italy] clung first to the same principles of economic policies which all not outright socialist governments have adopted in our day, interventionism. Then later it turned step by step toward the German system of socialism, i.e., all-round state control of economic activities.
Ludwig von Mises, Human Action (1949)
It is true of course that in Germany before 1933, and in Italy before 1922, communist and Nazis or Fascist clashed more frequently with each other than with other parties. They competed for the same type of mind and reserved for each other the hatred of the heretic. But their practice showed how closely they were related.
Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (1944)
...since ownership is, de facto, the control of a resource, a Nazi, Fascist, or other “centrally planned” system is as much “socialism” as a Communist regime that officially nationalizes property.
Murray Rothbard, Man, Economy, and State; Power and Market (1962)
Being so similar puts Fascism/Nazism and Socialism/Communism properly on the same side of the political spectrum, the Left side.
Love, Left-on-Left-Style
Josef and Adolph sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. The tree was Poland; in 1939 (the year that the word “communazi” was coined) the Nazi-Commies chopped it down and together tore the Poles limb from limb.
But the Leftist Hitler + Stalin love affair was too hot not too cool down. In the end, they were too much alike. (Since both were evil, bloodthirsty Leftist dictators, the break-up was nasty, resulting in the deaths of millions, a thing that happens in the annals of Leftism.)
Far from being Left-Right opposites, the two dictators were more like Leftist clones. They loved controllism and mass murder.
The True and Simple Difference
No matter how much Leftists try to confuse the labels and the issues, absolute control — whatever you call it, Communism Nazism or any other name — is absolutely Leftist. The core element and goal of Leftism is to use government to control the rest of us, to control the people who would prefer to be free. Leftists are the people who want government to be bigger and more powerful. The Right, on the other hand, wants rights and freedom. That is the difference. Everyone who wants to make government bigger and more powerful is a Leftist, whatever they call themselves or Rightists.
...American Progressivism--the moralistic social crusade from which modern liberals claim descent--is in some respects the major source of the fascistic ideas applied in Europe by Mussolini and Hitler... in the 1920's, fascism and fascistic ideas were very popular on the American left.
Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism (2007)
The Left versus Right political spectrum is really the Control versus Freedom difference.
The Left would love to fool us on this issue, but it isn’t the Right who love government control
When and Why Leftists Invented their Lie
U.S. Leftists intentionally created the phony "Communist Left — Fascist Right" lie, and that false dichotomy is almost as old as the term "fascist" itself. In our article about the Leftist 'Word Flipping' Untruth, we go into considerable detail to show how Leftists intentionally change the vocabulary of politics to lie, and we refer to David Green's book The Language of Politics in America several times. That book also documents how and why the Left created the lie about the "fascist" Right.
"With the failure of New Deal social programs [in 1938], the harmonizations between coercion and freedom and confiscation and generosity were weakening. New formulas needed..." wrote David Green. "'antifascism' began to emerge as both the new freedom and the new generosity..." Roosevelt was preparing to enter America into the European war against Germany and Italy. He needed to associate his belligerent foreign policy with the idea that the New Deal Leftism was benevolent. Green went on, "So long as people thought in terms of 'communists' on the "left" and 'fascists' on the 'right', and 'liberals' in the 'center' Roosevelt's use of labels would effectively assure him the 'anti-extremist,' sensible position and the implications of his use of power remain camouflaged."
David Green's 1987 book The Language of Politics in America is not a polemic and he was not a Rightist. It was a scholarly book published by the Cornell University Press in the category "American History US Politics" and was very favorably reviewed by the New York Times. Green's unbiased, clinical account of FDR's cynical creation of the false "Communist Left --- Fascist Right" with U.S. Democrats in the middle, to camouflage Roosevelt's own Leftist power grabs, is well-documented historical fact.
My simplistic shorthand for “fascism” is “right-wing socialism”...
Matt Lewis, "Biden May Regret Calling MAGA a ‘Semi-Fascist’ Movement", The Daily Beast (2022)
This brief quote points up the truth that the Right is never the Left and the Left is rarely right. There is no such thing as a square circle. North is not south. There is no such thing as “right-wing socialism”. Sometime somewhere somehow a word, to be a word, has to have some meaning.
“…others have come near to claiming that all abstract words are meaningless, and have used this as a pretext for advocating a kind of political quietism. Since you don’t know what Fascism is, how can you struggle against Fascism?”
George Orwell, "Politics and the English Language" Horizon (1946)
As we discuss in “Liberals: Leftist Untruth #3”, Leftists lie about what “Fascism” is so that they can move us Left toward fascism. And, as Orwell said, how can you effectively oppose them if you don’t know what fascism is?
Socialism is Leftist. Fascism is Leftist. Controllism is the idea that the government always needs more and more control over us and our lives, and that is a Leftist idea. And that Leftists try to confuse that obvious truth only proves again, if we needed any more proof, that truth has nothing to do with Leftism. When Leftists say that far-leftism is far-rightism, they are just lying again. Biden may call freedom "fascism", but he is just a liar.
Fascism is the system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police state as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive state the unlimited master of society. This describes mainstream politics in America today.
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., "The Fascist Threat", Mises Institute (2022)
Are You Far Right?
To be farther Right is to want less government control over you and other Americans, and more freedom for us. Hope that ‘far Right’ truthfully describes you.