[We try to present amusing content on Fridays. Maybe this isn’t too funny in some ways, but here goes.]
Dear Member,
Welcome back to the Rightful Freedom Book of the Day Club!
Don't recall joining the Rightful Freedom Book of the Day Club? Not a problem. You will continue to receive your Book of the Day as long as we continue to successfully charge your credit card. Which we won't actually do, because your Membership to Book of the Day Club is free for all Rightful Freedom readers.
Don’t worry! Unlike the old book clubs, which used to charge money for books, your books from Book of the Day Club will be free (until otherwise notified*). That’s right! And your book will be delivered to you free of charge via Substack some other electronic means.
Today’s Book of the Day
The British-American Political Translation Dictionary
Get your copy now!
Terms of Service
The name “book of the day club” would seem to imply that we will be sending out one book per day. But that won't actually be happening. One book per day would be expecting a bit much, don't you think? Please be more reasonable in your expectations. We are doing the best we can under the circumstances.
By Book of the Day Club, we do not imply that it would require a whole day to read one of these books. It won't. Unless you read extremely slowly. Which you can do if you want to.
*Always. Always free. Because who would pay for silly, short books?
Did you miss the most recent Book of the Day? No problem! It’s still available. Get your copy now!
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