I used to be actively atheist. A real Richard-Dawkins/Skeptical-Inquirer kind of person. I didn’t write “Christmas”, I wrote, “Xmas”. But I began to have doubts about my atheism.
Then one Christmas years ago, I experienced a miracle. The real deal. Like in the Gospels. I learned then that God is real, He loves me, and without doubt Jesus Christ is our Savior and Messiah. I was saved.
Many, many have been the blessings that I have received since that Christmas. Just like old Scrooge, in the story, after the visits from the spirits.
This year, a few days ago, I was writing a Substack on my Dell desktop using MS Word. Sometimes when I’m writing, something occurs to me and I suddenly remember how miraculously blessed I am, how wonderful my life is, and to Whom I owe all this. (Maybe this happens to you sometimes, too?) And I said a prayer aloud, thanking God, and asking Him to help me do His will.
Anyway, after praying, I got up from my desk and went into the kitchen and got a cup of coffee or something, I don’t exactly remember. When I got back to my desk and looked at my computer screen, I saw that I had forgotten to say “Pause Dictation.” And there on the screen was the prayer that I had said. MS Word had embedded it into the paragraph that I had been writing. Which is, of course, what the program does if you forget to turn off dictation and your microphone is on.
The funny thing is, I had ended my prayer, of course, by saying, “Amen.” But Microsoft Word had heard “Amen” as “I'm in.”
And it's true. I'm in. I'm all in.
Merry Christmas, and God bless us, everyone,
Rightful Freedom
Merry Christmas! I’m in too! Aren’t we blessed?
So glad to hear that you are in! What a blessing after the years you spent not knowing Him. I'm in, and so overjoyed to be able to say so.