Do you, by any chance, believe that the current USA., as it exists in the 21st century, is no longer really a constitutional Republic?
Do you believe that Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution says that only Congress can make laws? Because it does say that. And here in the 21st century, most of the federal laws, ”rules” which have all the force of laws, are created not by Congress but by unelected government bureaucrats. Government regulators who are unaccountable to the people.
(If you already know all about SCM and its future as an American organization, you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
And if America is governed now by an unconstitutional administrative/deep state, that is not only the reason to believe that the government we have now is not the one we're supposed to have. It's not the government that the Constitution was designed to provide for us. It's not the government that the founders believed that they were founding. It’s different.
By intentionally misinterpreting the Commerce Clause, and the 10th Amendment, and in many other ways, the federal government regulators have expanded their power over us far, far beyond what they were ever supposed to have. They intervene in institutions and systems that they were never meant to intervene in. And the fact that the Supreme Court has, over the decades, ruled that all of this is constitutional doesn't mean that it really is constitutional. It isn't.
Welcome, Sovereign Citizen!
If you know that the current government is the illegitimate product of a conspiracy that subverted the original, lawful government, that makes you a member of the SCM. According to the ADL.
“The sovereign citizen movement is a large anti-government extremist movement whose adherents believe the government is the illegitimate product of a conspiracy that subverted the original, lawful government.”
It seems The US system of government is no longer a constitutional rule-of-law republic. It hasn't entirely been such since the 1920s and 30s, and the advent of Woodrow Wilson's socialist/controllist big-government Progressivism, and then FDR's socialist/controllist big-government New Deal liberalism. And the subsequent creation of the unelected, unaccountable deep administrative state. The change happened gradually, but it happened. In a series of coups. One being the passing of as a series of Administrative Practices Acts starting in 1946.
So what is the US government now?
“We are now governed by oligarchs who have installed a puppet in the White House who approves every scheme for transferring trillions of federal money to companies (owned by oligarchs).”
“Unrestrained federal money creation is the Original Sin that caused the Fall of the U.S. Constitutional Republic.”
This is a comment by Substacker Jim Davidson https://substack.com/@l5news
“…they are not ‘the government’. They abdicated government. They put us out of their protection. They make war on us. For it to be government, as defined in the declaration of independence, it has to derive its just powers from the consent of the governed. They no longer care about our consent. They lie and cheat at elections, every time. They have no honour. And therefore they have no just powers. They are not government, they are tyranny...”
The ADL site puts it this way. Quote: “Over the years, anti-government extremists … developed theories about the ‘true’ nature of government… The Constitution and early American government, they said, enshrined these principles. But a conspiracy infiltrated and subverted the original government, the de jure government, replacing it with an illegitimate, tyrannical de facto government…”
This is how we think of it:
The movement that, indeed “infiltrated and subverted the original constitutional government of the United States” was, of course, Euro-leftism. AKA leftists, Marxists, Socialists, Communists… who hid their true intention: To replace the U.S. Constitutional Republic with a totalitarian system. Euro-leftism appeared in America in the late 1890s. By 1910, leftist “Modernism” was culture war on America. In 1912, the first Progressive/Euro-leftist president was elected in the U.S. The Constitution was out. It was not suitable for governance in the 20th century, the leftists said. It had to be replaced by a group of elite managers, who would rule by edict, from atop a hierarchy of control. They called themselves “Progressives”, but they were, of course, simply leftists.
It seems that now the U.S. form of government is a kleptocratic oligarchy. The US government regulators take money from the people who earned it the productive Americans. And the U.S. government regulators keep a lot of that money to enrich themselves, and redistribute most of the rest of it to leftists. Marxists, Socialists, Communists…
So maybe the US system is no longer a rule-of-law Constitutional Republic. Instead, it is a hierarchy of control. And the people on top of the hierarchy are the unaccountable Administrative-state government regulators and the Uniparty politicians. And the people on the bottom are we the people.
If that’s true, then the current U.S. government is the illegitimate product of a coup, or series of coups, that subverted the original, lawful government. But was it a “conspiracy”? Because according to the ADL, you have to believe it was a conspiracy, if you are to be in the SCM.
The word “conspiracy” implies that it was done secretly. And it was. None of the politicians or the Administrative-state government regulators publicly told the American people that they were replacing the Constitutional republic with a different kind of government. No, the politicians ran on a different platform entirely. The politicians promised freedom, and when they were elected they delivered ever more government control instead. It wasn’t an accident.
And what about the Administrative-state government regulators? Did they conspire? Yes, it was a conspiracy. They took oaths to support the Constitution, and they destroyed it and replaced it with government by unelected edict-givers. Which is the reality now. So yes, they did indeed lie and conspire together.
The good news?
Being in the SCM is a pretty good deal for you so far. You don't have to pay dues. You don't have to attend meetings. Or elect leaders. There are no leaders, really. Even the ADL doesn't claim that the SCM has leaders. It's a 100% grassroots organization, if you can call it an organization at all. It’s just a whole lot of Americans who believe in something that's true: Our government was stolen by leftists.
True, the ADL, and other leftists, want you, an anti-government extremist, to be in federal prison. But you aren't. So far.
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
That could change. It seems that the US government is turning America into a police state. It appears that the FBI, DHS, ATF, CIA, NSA, etcetera are very fast morphing into the US equivalent of the USSR chekists, KGB, etcetera. You aren't in prison yet. Mass arrests of SCM members hasn't happened, yet. And it's not something to look forward to.
You may think you won't be one of the people who's afraid of being arrested. That's what Peter thought. He thought he was one of the people who wouldn't be afraid of being arrested, and promised that three times. And he believed it. Until the time came.
If you want to understand how police states use the fear of arrest to control the people, read Part 1 of Solzhenitsyn's book The Gulag Archipelago. It may come as a revelation. About our future.
Enough Rightful Freedom for now? Or Maybe you’d like to go on to the BONUS ROUND
I've long wondered how much of the statue toppling was really about racism, and how much was using racism as an excuse to deprecate the written Constitution.
SCM. I am all in.
From the beach....