If men and women are really different, in spite of what we're told, then does it seem, in general, that men tend to be more nomadic and women tend to be homebodies?
A few days ago we saw this meme (we think it was at the Dog Pound Substack) and we got to thinking. If men ruled the world, these would absolutely be things:
1. U-House
2. Public land development.
US governments own immense tracts of the land. The federal government alone owns approximately 47% of the land in the Western states, including over 80% of Nevada. (Real map, not a meme.)
And US Federal government regulators keep grabbing more land every year. (But the government essentially never sells any. So, since no new land is being created, and unless something changes, the federal government will eventually own every square foot of land in the West.)
Leftists call it “public land”, but in reality the government regulators own and control it, and they allow the public, i.e. the American people who aren’t government regulators, very limited access to that land, if any.
So it isn't really “public”. If the public really owned it, it would be called private land. And then we the American people could really use it.
What would men do?
Imagine if the American people could buy, say, 20% of that land from the government. That's millions and millions of acres. The government would get a lot of revenue from that sale and so they could cut taxes, if they wanted to. And the American people would get to use the land because here's what the businesses could do:
An enterprising person could buy some of those millions of acres and stake out the land into hundred-acre sections. In the middle of each section put a septic tank and a well. And then rent that section out for $19.95 a day.
So one day an American, such as yourself, could get an Uber over to U-Haul. And you could rent a U-House with a full tank of gas. Then you drive up into the mountains, past us. (Yes, Rightful Freedom is located on a gravel road about 20 miles from the Continental Divide, in the foothills of some Rocky Mountains.)
Wave at us as you go by, friend. Here in these parts we wave to each other as we pass on the road.
Maybe that's what America would be like, if men ruled the world. Crazy, huh?
Enough Rightful Freedom for now? Or maybe you’d like to go on to the:
NC's "Culture of Corruption" from Coast to Raleigh to D.C. Damns Asheville Flood Victims.
After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, aided by DOJ, FBI and other Federal Agencies and officials.
Sexual abuse of children, violence toward political “threats” to corrupt NC officials, aid to these crimes by NC and Federal government, judicial, law enforcement, “trusted” institutions, media...the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER in NC. District Attorney Office's used for rape, theft of taxpayer funds, child abuse and sadistic violence are NC's "Culture of Corruption," according to the FBI. The same FBI that has and continues to aid and collude in criminal misconduct "Under color of law." subverting with violence representative democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutional and civil rights, due process, whistleblower protections, protection of minors from abuse and sexual violence trauma, and engaging in sadistic brutality, torture, deprivation of basic rights, and torment of crime victims by subverting legal procedures & due process, undermining local democratic government for corrupt allies, and providing for embezzlement of public funds for personal theft and bribery additionally aided by media, law enforcement, clergy and both major political parties and officials.
Evil, child abuse, rapist DAs and New Hanover County Sheriff's Office criminal gangs have a home, as do bribed fake media "reporters" and sadistic corruption crimes long-established & cherished in NC Culture in lieu of virtue, morality, ethics, integrity and any semblance of empathy or human decency.
Violent crimes, child abuse, embezzlement, lynching, sadistic violence & retaliation are valued and have a home in a City of Wilmington, NC Government, fighting corruption DOES NOT, NOWHERE in the Cape Fear Region or among NC's elected officials, judiciary, law enforcement, schools or government staff with their decades of FBI & DOJ aided brutality, murders, and rampant criminal violence & corruption beyond anything anywhere else in the USA:
Sexual use of children along with lynching and violence toward political “threats” to the corrupt policies and violent as wells as financial crimes, antidemocracy terrorism, preventable deaths, torture and absence of Rule of Law, Justice and responsible, lawful government, policing, criminal justice, education, and emergency management have suffered across N.C. as a result of years of theft, violent criminal abuses, and criminal misconduct by the “Culture of Corruption” according to the FBI.
The FBI, US Department of Justice, Dept. of Education, and NC and local officials in Eastern NC have with the Federal agencies aided and colluded these crimes, despite the undeniable actionable and likely admissible evidence possessed by local, NC and Federal government, judicial, law enforcement and other “trusted” institutions, the media, and much of the public.
Despite the increasing numbers of victims who have sought action, justice, criminal & corrupt priorities have been the unchallenged and unchecked priority and established policy for decades and the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER to local officials, the State of NC, NC SBI, AG Stein or Gov. Cooper!
N.C. Republicans are just as corrupt, unprincipled, unfaithful, sadistic, Machiavellian, violently criminal, to the extent that "normal" people REFUSE to believe reality and facts because few ever encounter such evil abnormal narcissistic thugs in life like the sadistic criminals the people of NC elect and empower and worship and blindly follow....
...like fellow soldiers of Satan in a community where rape and child abuse and bribing media and destroying innocent victims with Mexican Cartel violence and smear tactics and evil indifference to human life & fighting corruption and abuse, including sexual abuse of children and adult victims, armed attacks, torture, and tax dollars used to bribe media and government staff to invent totally fictional tales to destroy any threat to this corruption and misconduct and brutality.
Charm and vice trumps human decency and any shred of human decency or Christian virtue by citizens eager to follow their charming, clever, deceitful, evil, devoid of integrity, ethics, Judeo-Christian values and empathy public leaders even when other people's children are being abused and innocent victims are destroyed permanently always a favorite comedy and joke among Wilmingtonians masquerading as "christians" while laughing about and protecting sick crimes by both Reps and Dems.
It's evil and it's the cherished culture and reflects the values of the Cape Fear Region and NC governments and institutions.
Facts, integrity, morality, protecting children, doesn't matter to anyone in ILM until it's your kid who's raped or your wife who trades sex with the DA to get out of a fake alleged crime and dare to challenge that evil, the community will destroy you in every way.
Your home will be invaded by armed thugs, your health that will be pummeled and permanently damaged, and your life destroyed by complete fiction created by bribed fake reporters and a community that climaxes laughing at your suffering in a naïve attempt to do the right thing and act with principle and morals that have no place in NC!
Your post is pretty loaded up with stereotypes, my dear pal.
"Real men" or "feminized leftist males"--- what does that even MEAN?
And sorry, but I don't think there are many "feminized" men at all. GAY men, maybe, but that's not the same thing at all.
My take: MEN rule the world. How they walk, or talk, or what language they use is irrelevant.
And no, just because women bear children, it doesn't rule out, or in, whether they'd be more likely to be nomadic, that is a CULTURAL thing, as people generally are nomadic, as a tribe, or a community, not as male or female.
We should also be quite up front about the fact that WE the PEOPLE are not living the way WE the PEOPLE would live if the world were NOT being ruled over by globalist, psychopathic jerks (mostly MEN).