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The FBI has spent a lot of taxpayer money to get Americans to commit fake crimes, so the U.S. government can imprison those people.
It's called entrapment. And el gato malo had a very revealing substack on entrapment recently. If you haven't read it, maybe you should.
Federal Governance: It’s a Trap
Maybe the saddest, craziest part is that entrapment is illegal under the real US laws. But those laws don't matter anymore. The people in the Administrative/Deep State create the laws now, on the fly. Making them up as they go along. No Congress or accountability required. The laws created by the unelected government regulators are enforced by their secret police. The FBI, ATF, DHS, CIA, NSA, and the other US secret police agencies.
“…entrapment is a time honored government tradition. they invite you to break the law, then bust you when you do. there are actually protections set up around this but they are honored more often in their breach than in their adherence. speech and online speech are no different. fedbois (and likely fedgrrls) lurk in chat rooms seeing to incite and invite violence and terror…”
One Famous FBI Entrapment Success Story
(The quotations are from THE INCIDENT AT RUBY RIDGE.)
In the late 1980s, a paid undercover FBI agent pretended to befriend Randy Weaver, whom the FBI suspected of being a ‘white supremacist’. The “…Agent asked Randy to sell him some shotguns, which Weaver was to cut down to an illegal length. Randy refused, but after several requests from his “friend”, who claimed that he was in desperate need for money, Randy complied and sold the agent two sawed-off shotguns.”
The FBI eventually attacked Weaver’s home. The FBI agents shot his 15-year-old son Sammy to death as he was walking on a trail. The FBI shot the family dog to death. An FBI sniper (the FBI agents did all of the killing from hiding) shot Weaver’s wife Vicki to death as she stood on the porch of the home holding a child in her arms. The FBI agents also shot Weaver.
In the standoff, after killing Vicki, the FBI agents used loudspeakers to taunt the surviving Weaver family members. “We had pancakes for breakfast today. How about you, Vicki, what did you eat today? …How did you sleep last night, Vicki?” the FBI agents said.
At Weaver’s trial, “Agent Fadeley, the undercover agent who asked Weaver to illegally modify the shotguns. Fadeley admitted under cross examination that it was difficult to get Weaver to break the law, and in a key exchange, Spence’s co-counsel, Chuck Peterson, got Fadeley to admit that he did not receive payment for his undercover work unless there was a conviction.”
As a result, Randy Weaver spent 14 months in prison. Lon Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who shot Vicki Weaver to death, “…never spent a day in jail, didn’t lose his job, and never lost a day’s pay.”
Are you now entering the US Police State?
As we reported in the Substack “In the year 2025. If Trump Is Still Alive”, on September 27 2024, the US Department of Defense issued a directive to the US military — the U.S. Army and all other branches — to kill American citizens when ordered to do so.
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of state and local police across the United States are massively armed with military level weapons and equipment. And enough ammunition to kill every American dozens of times over. And the Covid lockdowns proved that local police will carry out unconstitutional orders from the unaccountable government regulators. And not just orders from the DOJ or FBI, even directives from the bureaucrats in the national health agencies. Americans who refuse to obey those directives are to be arrested or killed.
The Uniparty politicians and the unelected officials of the US Administrative State now command a huge, centrally-controlled police/military. A POLICE STATE police force. It’s a statement of fact. What do you think they plan to do with it?
Will they begin to dispense with the niceties, such as entrapment, and just engage in mass arrests of everybody who questions or opposes the regime? It's what every other police state in history has done.
Enough Rightful Freedom for now? Or Maybe you’d like to go on to the BONUS ROUND!
This has ALWAYS been the case...