BIRTHQUAKE!!! What You Need to Know
DISCLOSURE: You are probably going to disagree with almost everything in this article.
Depopuclypse Now?
Who should decide how many babies should be born in a society?
A. Society itself, i.e. moms and dads.
B. A Moscow-trained communist missile scientist, applying mathematical models used to calculate rocket trajectories.
It's not a joke question. The rulers of China had that choice, chose B, and apparently got an irreversible disaster as their result. Long after communist China's 1-child policy was ended, the fertility rate was still falling there. By 2024, births were declining by over half a million per year and the fertility rate was down to almost 1. That's less than half the 2.1 rate needed just to keep the population at current levels. China was committing slow-motion suicide. And the killers were the controllists.
“A Moscow-trained missile scientist led the push for China’s policy, based on tables of calculations that applied mathematical models used to calculate rocket trajectories to population growth.”
The result of the communists’ choice was a demographic disaster. A depopulation tail-spin that Chinese authorities have no hope of pulling out of. Perhaps ever.
The WSJ article said, "One factor missing from Song’s population math was human behavior. The government’s sometimes brutal enforcement, including forced abortions and sterilizations... left a lasting one-child mindset."
Ouch. ‘forced abortions and sterilizations’ Yes, that’s going to leave a mark.
"...human behavior.." Ask yourself, ‘Which humans should decide how humans should behave? The humans themselves, or a small group of psychopathically power-mad controllists?’
That the idea that the correct answer is ‘humans themselves’ is the conclusion of what we call ‘the Freedom-System’ (F-S).
The leftists’ idea is that the answer is, ‘leftists’. Leftists should decide how the rest of us behave.
But controllists might point out that the fertility rate has been falling in nations all over the world. The controllism of the Chinese government regulators may be causing that in China, but what about other nations? What is causing falling fertility rates in those nations?
No doubt the causes of depopulation are complex, and there are lots of them. But if you had to identify just one big fat cause of depopulation, that vastly outweighs all the others combined, it is leftist government control.
By the 21st century, most of the world’s governments were controlled by leftists. Most government regulators are leftists who want more government control. (One exception to control-by-leftists is Muslim theocracies controlled by Islamic mullahs, and that is significant, as we will see.)
Leftists have crafted a government response to the “Population Explosion” for many decades. The individual governments and the United Nations have enacted population control programs all over the world. The U.S. government subsidizes Planned Parenthood abortion-on-demand and late-term abortions. (Note that fertility rates are not falling as much in Muslim theocracies, without government depopulation programs.)
Bill Gates and big NGOs with close ties to governments spend $billions on initiatives aimed at decreasing the population. And both U.S.-government-caused inflation and government over-regulation have increased the cost of living for working people.
“Last year, on average, regulations added about $14,600 annually to American household budgets, roughly a fourth of median household incomes. Regulatory ‘taxes’ exceeded every item in household budgets except housing—more than food, transportation, entertainment and savings.”
Jerry Shenk: “Regulatory Taxation Burdens Us All” Daily Local (2024)
If ordinary people cannot afford to have children, most of the reason is leftist government. If you want to find the smoking gun of depopulation, it is in the hands of the leftists of the world.
“Soon — probably within a few decades — global population will level off and then likely fall for a protracted period of time. The number of people on Earth will be headed down, “depopulating”. Why?”
Ben Wattenberg, Fewer: How the New Demography of Depopulation Will Shape Our Future (2004)
As the date of the publication of the book Fewer shows, it was obvious twenty years ago that depopulation was coming. But that didn’t stop the leftists from pushing the “Population Explosion” lie to advance their misanthropic Marxist political agenda. Ben Wattenberg himself was a leftist, which is perhaps why he couldn’t or wouldn’t see the answer to “Why?” even if it was staring him in the face: Leftist government controllists are the cause of depopulation, in China and around the world. Now, the truth that worldwide depopulation is a threat to humanity cannot be ignored, and the mass media is finally starting to write about depopulation and falling fertility rates. But the leftists want us to forget that the disaster was caused by them and government control.
As we discuss in our 2022 article on “Leftist Untruth #14 Overpopulation, the leftists’ claim that a “Population Bomb” was going to wipe out civilization and destroy the world, was always just another leftist lie.
“GOVERNMENTS MUST TACKLE POPULATION…” reads a headline on the Population Matters website.
But Population Matters isn’t talking about depopulation, they are still making the “Population Bomb” claim.
Population Matters warns that, “…as people escape poverty, their consumption increases. In Asia for example, meat and seafood consumption is expected to rise by 78% by 2050, due to increasing wealth and population growth.”
So Population Matters, a member of IUCN (which is comprised of numerous leftist NGO and government agencies) advocates extreme measures by government regulators to prevent Asians from escaping poverty, having better diets, and “increasing wealth”.
But don’t worry, as leftists still cry “Population Explosion Causes End of the World”, they are also working on the problem of not enough babies (that they caused). Their solution to depopulation: Men can now get pregnant! We cover this breakthrough in the story “Ultrasounds to Detect Sex of the Mother”.
When I was young the constant refrain was that the ice age would come back, so we just need to enslave all mankind. After they realized that the climate would continue to warm for a considerable period before the next ice age, since scientists had discovered that that was the pattern, they switched to the climate is warming, we need to enslave all mankind. Now they don't know which to follow so it's we have climate change and we have to enslave all mankind. Similarly, it was we have a population explosion so we need to enslave all mankind, so now they can switch to we have a depopulation problem and we need to enslave all mankind. And of course we have a gun problem so we must enslave all mankind. Are we seeing a pattern here?
We are doing this to ourselves. Anytime a Queer Marxist tells your boy he's a girl, or your girl she's a boy, and tells them how to get an appointment to mutilate themselves, we lost a fertile couple.
Anytime a feminist screams for abortion on demand, she wants to remove her genes from the pool and we lose another fertile couple.
If we aren't careful, we will no longer be fruitful and multiply.