Are you as greedy as they say?
Leftists tell you that you're the problem and government is the solution. Are they right?
Leftists say you're greedy if you don't want to give them your money. Are they right? No, you're right.
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Leftists say that if you make a profit from your work, that's evil. No, they're lying again.
The simple truth is to be found in the difference between selfishness and self-interest.
Adam Smith knew what he was talking about.
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776)
Most of the people who produce a good or service do it to provide a living for themselves and their families. And in so doing they provide what society needs to survive and thrive. It’s self-interest, not selfishness.
The leftist wants you to take care of society by doing what they tell you to do.. You, on the other hand, want to take care of yourself and your family. And in so doing you provide what society needs.
The leftist wants the government to provide money and privileges to his group, his gender, his race, his ethnicity, him. At the expense of the society as a whole.
Society actually works best when individuals act from self-interest. It's the right thing to do.
One thing that history has taught us is: A system based on people working for their self-interest works. It works for the people. It creates security and a high standard of living. Socialism, and leftism in general, always fails to do that. Leftism only works, or seems to work in the society that is mostly capitalist and has a lot of free enterprise going on.
The system where the government makes you work for “the good of society” does not work for the people. It works for the government. Under socialism, and all forms of leftism, the society suffers and the government thrives. It always happens.
In practice, leftism promises to use government control to mandate selflessness. But instead it just creates injustice and a lower standard of living for most of the people. But it distributes wealth to the leftists in the government and the people who get money handed to them from the government.
A government that has enough power to distribute all the goods that the people need to live, has life or death power over the people. And in practice, history shows us that leftist politicians and government regulators will abuse that power. And they will use their power to get more power.
In practice, the only equality that leftists produce is to make the people equally poor. But in reality, even that never happens. While the people become poorer, the leftists in the government become rich.
In practice, the only equality that leftists produce is to make the people equally poor. But in reality, even that never happens. The leftists in the government always become rich.
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"They" will awaken just as the guillotine is released...