Some Americans are old enough to remember when people were gay on April Fool’s Day because of the fun jokes.
What happened?
What became of those jolly days of yore when, for 24 hours on April first, you had to be on guard against your friends, family, and co-workers making an April fool of you? Not just some big corporations putting out lame ads, but everybody trying to get you personally to fall for some preposterous claim ending in "…April Fool!!!"
Was the Covid the cause? A CNN story proposed that theory. The national loss of a sense of humor was the result of that day when people emerged from their homes and took off their masks, and they weren't the same as they were when they had been locked down and masked? No, that was Covid Groundhog Day. Not Post-Covid April Fool’s Day.
Then what did cause the 2020s April 1s to become Malaise Days?
Perhaps the cause predated the 2020s?
The graph shows the decline in the use of the phrase “April Fool” in print.
The decline of April Fool’s Day among the young has been precipitous.
But while April Fool’s Day has declined in popularity, polls in recent years have shown that more and more of the American public, and especially young people, have a more favorable view of “socialism”.
Putting two and two together, we come up with the cause of the decline in April Fool’s lighthearted foolery.
It was Leftism, of course. The two trends were correlated:
1. Young people have a favorable view of socialism.
2. Young people stopped enjoying April Fool’s levity.
It’s no coincidence. When Leftists get in power, they brook no dissent, rationality, or humor. The lives of the long-lived Socialist/Communist societies — USSR, Cuba, North Korea — had in common that they were grim. Cement blocks of gray workers' housing. Gray gulags full of political prisoners. One department store with a thousand gray people lined up to buy gray turnips or gray overcoats, whichever the department store had that day.
True, the lives of the shorter-lived Socialist/Communist societies were characterized not by gray grimness but by abject terror — think Cambodia, and the depredations of Mao’s Red Guards. But still, when Leftists rule, the zeitgeist is humorless, grim, and gray.
Making an April Fool’s Day joke about the wrong "minority" (which is to say any minority other than straight white males) could result in you losing your job or your business, being deplatformed everywhere, having your bank and PayPal accounts closed, and your first-born child being rejected by every large university forever. Ouch. Nothing funny about that.
So now people who are gay on April Fool’s Day are aggressively aggrieved. And so are all the other "Protected Groups", from black to brown, from L to Q and beyond — the list keeps growing.
April Fool’s Day is as dead as Washington's Birthday, which used to be a national holiday before being replaced by Marting Luther King's birthday. True, Washington's Birthdays weren't always a barrel of laughs, but in general they were a lot more pleasant than the inherently vitriolic, confrontational, and humorless Days of Leftism, which are many:
8 March - International Women's Day
1 March - United Nations Zero Discrimination Day
31 May - World No-Tobacco Day
22 April - International Mother Earth Day
15 October - International Day of Rural Women
30 August - International Day for People from African Descent
17 May - International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Lesbophobia and Transphobia
17 October — International Pronoun Day…
“International Pronoun Day”? That's correct. It's not a joke. It might be a little funny if it were a joke, but it's not a joke. October 17 is International Pronoun Day. Leftism is not something to laugh about. It's something to cry about.
Here's an unfunny thing: The article “In the Era of Fake News, Is April Fool’s' Day Funny Anymore?” It was published on the site: Fact Checking Day dot com. Yes, there is an International Fact Checking Day celebrated on, wait for it… April 2.
Fact Checking Day dot com announces the celebration of ‘International Fact Checking Day’ on its landing page every day of the year. Like all official fact-checkers, the site specializes in “proving” that all Rightist and Trump truths are “fake news” and “conspiracy theories”.
So, you may wonder, is this the place where we say, “April Fools!!!”?
I.e. Ha ha ha, there is no “International Fact Checking Day” or any site called “Fact Checking Day dot com”.
No, that wasn’t the place. This is the place where we say that there really is an International Fact Checking Day, and it really is celebrated by Leftists on April 2. The day to fact check all the things you were told on April 1.
Maybe the true reason for the decline in April Fool’s Day is the lie-spreading Leftist media turning all information dissemination into an unfunny joke. Now, lies are the truth, and the truth is “fact-checked” by officials to show that it is a “conspiracy theory”. Every day that you are exposed to the Leftists’ stream of Untruth is April Fool’s Day now.
Libtards and Rino’s are fags every day of the year lol